When she says she wants somebody to love, I hope you know she...

May 09, 2008 10:12

...doesn't mean you. And when she breaks down and lets you down, hope you know she doesn't mean you.

Or, how the household appliances rebel against their rightful owner.

It started with the fridge. It started hiccoughing working, on the eve of the national holiday known as April 25th. Right before a weekend. This resulted in me needing to buy a new fridge.

It continued with the Fastweb TV decoder remote dying. And yes, I did try changing the batteries.

It is now being compounded by the absolute absurdity that is my dishwasher trying to inundate my kitchen every single time I turn it on.

What say you, flist, is this going to be the dreaded year when technology goes all Matrix on our collective asses?

the household appliances revolution, update on self, bitching, the matrix

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