Let it never go unsaid that Michela knows how to procrastinate

May 09, 2008 00:13

One word...that's all you can write as your answer...can you do it?


1. Where is your cell phone?................ desk
2. Your significant other?.................. nonexistant
3. Your hair?............................... straight
4. Your mother? ............................ awesome
5. Your father?............................. successful
6. Favorite thing?.......................... living
7. Your dream last night?................... heroic
8. Your favorite drink...................... coke
9. Your dream/goal?......................... perfection
10. The room you're in?..................... bedroom
11. Your ex?................................ hurtful
12. Your fear?.............................. forgetfulness
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?..... living
14. Where were you last night?.............. home
15. What you're not?........................ chained
16. Muffins................................. nope
17. One of your wish list items?............music
18. Where you grew up?...................... world
20. What are you wearing?................... fabrics
21. Your TV?................................ off
22. Your pets?.............................. nonexistant
23. Your computer? ......................... addiction
24. Your life?.............................. boring
25. Your mood?.............................. obscillating
26. Missing someone?........................ sadly
27. Your car?............................... grey
28. Something you're not wearing?...........shoes
29. Favorite Store?......................... clothing
30. Your summer?............................ busy
31. Like someone?........................... nope
32. Your favorite color?.................... blue
33. Last time you laughed................... recently
34. Last time you cried?....................recently
35. Who will re-post this?.................. everybody
36. Who will not repost this?............... nobody


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