Ashen Stars - Terra Nova

Nov 06, 2011 19:50

Last week we had the pleasure to take part in Pelgrane Press' playtest of the upcoming Ashen Stars adventure Terra Nova.

We took a short break from Mortal Coil to do this and invited two more players (one other regular had to drop out unfortunately). I was a bit sceptical at first, because most of my group isn't very much into science fiction games, but it turned out very well.

Some players already knew Ashen Stars from the rulebook's introductory adventure, but the others took with enthusiasm to the setting too. Their Laser crew of the "Jolly Jumper" ventured into the deep reaches of the Bleed to investigate the foundered cruise liner "Terra Nova" only to discover (of course) that is was more than a simple accident.

The adventure took us only one (long) evening, culminating in a exciting climax of two parallel action scenes. Ashen Stars deceptively simply action resolution handled that very well. I don't want to spoil anything, but Lenny Balsera's adventure includes a very interesting twist to the typical investigation scenario, that made GMing it very interesting.

After this intermezzo we'll be back to our regular Mortal Coil campaign, but I still have the Dead Rock Seven collection sitting on my hard drive. I'm pretty sure we'll visit the Bleed again not too far into the future.

role-playing, ashen stars

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