
Feb 11, 2013 14:00

These are timely!

Glory #32 - This is a breather issue before what promises to be a wicked awesome battle. Glory and her parents explain that the Knights (ancient gods of their planet) came and destroyed them and now are probably coming to Earth to finish the job (ie, killing Glory and her family). All of Glory's friends spend some time getting ready for the battle and almost certain death, which is generally sweet and sometimes funny. At the end, we see Glory has called in basically all of Liefeld's Image characters for the fight. So excited for the last two issues.

Deadpool #3-4 - Deadpool sure kills a lot of presidents. I''m enjoying the humor and violence, especially in issue #3. I think issue #4 went a little too far with the wacky and Deadpool starts offing insane amounts of dead presidents just to get the number running around down to amanageablesize. Issue #3 brings in Dr. Strange, who is a great semi-serious foil to Deadpool's wackiness. Issue #4 ends with T.R. rescuing Lincoln after a cage match with Deadpool (little silly) and Reagan in space (awesomely silly).

glamourpuss #26 - Dave Sim ended this title because no one was buying it, but he definitely also ran out of steam. We (finally) get to the car crash that was building up for years. I don't think I'm going to pick up his graphic novel of this story if he ever finishes it.

Hawkeye #7 - Hawkeye and Hawkeye are in two different places (Clint outside of NYC and Kate in NJ) when Hurricane Sandy hits. They both do heroic, if minor, things to help the people they are with (much like the people who helped each other in real life...). It's a nice tribute to those that lived through the hurricane, but I'm too far removed from it to get too teary-eyed about the issue.

Hit-Girl #5 - Hit-Girl kills the guys threatening her family, then gets a vision of her father telling her to kill the entire command structure of the mafia. She then, somehow, breaks into prison, kills the leader, and, as long as she's there, all of Death Row. It was certainly violent. I did appreciate the funny "training" sequence with Red Mist and some ninja monks at the end. A pretty typical Kick-Ass/Hit-Girl comic.

Prophet #32 - A John Prophet wakes on a planet and is being chased by the creatures who live there now and hunt humans. She meets anther Prophet who woke earlier than expected and has taken to keeping a small band of humans safe. In the end, she is told to join up with the Empire and to kill the other guy if he doesn't come with. She leaves, but lets him live and protect the human group. It was nicely sci-fi, had some good action, and the ending is touching (if not unexpected).

Prophet #33 - Prophet and his gang have met up with some big intellegence flying in space, but before they can get the talk they were hoping for, they get attacked by the Empire. Prophet and his crew escape and end up inside a giant brain in space. This issue confused me. I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish or what was lost in the attack. There's a good poop joke, though.

Scarlet #6 - Scarlet is back, she infiltrates a news station, and gets everybody to start a protest at the end. It's an interesting story, especially in light of the Occupy movement and international revolutions, but I'm not sure how much I relate to a cop killer.

Secret Avengers #37 - It's over. People fought. The Human Torch used the MacGuffin. All is resolved without the Secret Avengers actually having to make the difficult choice. Still think having ROBOTS be alive because of MAGIC is ridiculous. Whatever.

glamourpuss, comic reviews, glory, comics, hawkeye, scarlet, secret avengers, deadpool, prophet, hit-girl

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