(Holy crap, this is a lot of) Comic Reviews!

Sep 04, 2011 18:14

I've read some of these over a month ago; let's see how bad my memory is!

The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #2 - I like this despite not being a lot like The Boys. It explores Butcher and how a person like him joins and thrives in the military. There's a bit about the War in the Falkland's. This is obviously something that Ennis cares about and it shows in the work.

The Boys #57 - I don't remember this. *flips through the issue* Looks like Hughie and Annie are working together to see what their roles in the future will be. Annie has run from The Seven. Hughie wants her to stay in hiding 'cause The Boys will go after her. Annie wants to go out and help Hughie stop The Seven. Then, Hughie gets back with The Boys and is on some mission or other. Something about the bugs in The Seven's base going out of commission and Mauve not doing anything about it to help. Since I remember, it has to have been an average issue.

Everything Dies #7 - Another creation myth told by Box Brown. This one doesn't seem to have anything profound to say unlike some of the other things he's done, so, while enjoyable, not as good as it could be.

Fear Itself: Deadpool #3 - The end of this series. Deadpool, a hammer, a Walrus, werewolves, and lots of wackiness. Not the best Deadpool I've read and not the best Chris Hastings that I've read. It's okay, I guess.

glamourpuss #20 - More glamourpuss. The "comedy" stuff hasn't been hitting as well in a while. The history stuff is finally getting on with it.

Hero Comics 2011 - This was a bit of a surprise. There's a Gaiman/Kieth/Dringenberg (the original Sandman team) story about a haunted inn on the beach, which is nice because it showcases the current interests of the creators instead of being a Sandman redo. There's some typical charity-comic content, then a story by just Sam Kieth exploring how the Gaiman/Kieth/Dringenberg came about. Some excellent surprises in what was expected to be a by-the-numbers issue.

Heroes For Hire #10 - I don't remember this, and Miah has it, so I can't flip through it. I remember Gargoyle and Paladin being beaten by their worst fears and Purple Man being in it. Um. Average, I guess?

Loose Ends #2 - This issue is still very much two stories that seem disconnected. The "main" story shows a little back story of the guy and girl who have escaped the tragedy that happened at the bar in the first issue. The second story shows a little bit more of the black man being blackmailed by the police. It's nice and moody, but it's still not coming together.

The Spirit #17 - This is a few short stories. The first is by Howard Chaykin that is good, but the mystery is solved by information learned off panel, which is unfair to the reader, I think. The second is a cute story about The Spirit helping the little man. But I bought this for the third story, which is drawn by P. Craig Russel. It has The Spirit fighting in an art museum and it mixes images of famous artwork with the action in humorous ways. There's also a twist ending that is funny and unexpected. This story is well worth the price of the issue.

The Stand: The Night Has Come #1 - This one features the Dark Man and Las Vegas a lot, which I find the more interesting aspects of the story. Some of the spies from Boulder are found and die trying to protect the others. Dark and gruesome and fun to read.

Superman: Red Son #1-#3 - This is a good story about Superman being communist. Lots of nice little twists on the regular Superman mythos. I keep thinking about what the story is trying to say, though. He becomes overbearing because of how he's raised, then becomes benevolent because of Luther appealing to his basic nature. Not sure what Millar is trying to say about nature versus nurture.

Octopus Pie TPB vol. 02 - More sweet, touching, human stories about hipsters in New York. Sounds like something I would hate, but it is so down to Earth that it works amazingly well.

Tr!ckster HC - This is little more than an art book with some amazing artists. There's a bit of a story in the beginning and the rest is just pinups with little context. Cool, but a bit expensive for what you get.

Superman vs. Predator - Superman fights a Predator in South America. Actually, there was very little Superman v. Predator. Superman is artificially gimped and Predator leaves him alone for less than clear reasons. Mildly entertaining.

Elseworlds: Superman - Speeding Bullets - In this one, Superman is found by the Waynes, who are then killed outside the movie theater and he turns into a vigilante. It is a little weird because Superman turns into a hermit for a while, then because a murderer for a while, before being convinced to turn into a hero. He's neither Bruce nor Clark until the very end when he becomes an amalgam of both. Still, there was some nice bad-ass moments.

Conan: Island of No Return 2 - I don't remember this. *flips through the issue* Conan gets tricked by some women, fights tentacle monsters and pirates, then steals a ship and gets away. It was s decent action adventure, I guess. Nothing special.

Daken 11 - Daken is tripping on drugs and taking over the L.A. crime scene to get more while the FBI is on his ass. Fun stuff. Good to see Daken, with his mood altering powers, under the influence of drugs and getting the effect for himself.

FF 7 - More about Black Bolt and his five queens and no FF and while do I care?!

Punisher 1 - This was less about Punisher than the police that clean up behind him. I don't remember the details of this issue, but remember being intrigued about the premise. Hoping #2 keeps my interest.

hero comics, conan, red son, ff, superman, butcher baker candlestickmaker, punisher, comic reviews, glamourpuss, octopus pie, tr!ckster, daken, spirit, everything dies, boys, comics, fear itself, loose ends, deadpool, superman vs. predator, speeding bullets, stand

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