Brooklyn Knows About Art.

Jan 07, 2011 09:33

This week has been quite a roller coaster in terms of job hunting; hopefully something positive will come from all this running about. Today it's snowing (AGAIN), thankfully I don't have any interviews today. I can practice my typing and brush up on some MS Office stuff.

Yesterday I went to the Brooklyn Museum with some friends to check out some Pop Art, and we ended rambling through the top two floors. Usually when I go to the BMA I check out the ancient art - they have one of the best collections of Egyptian art around - but this time we stuck with more contemporary fare. There was a small section in the Herstory Archives with photography of the Yorkshire Moors by Sam Taylor-Wood, to commemorate Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. (It seems Taylor-Wood is more known for her 20-year-old babydady, something that wouldn't even be commented on if she were a man.)

I also enjoyed Art Smith's jewelry exhibit - there was some incredibly stunning stuff on display. At the other end of the scale from sublime to ridiculous was a piece in the Contemporary Art section that consisted of dirty laundry tied in small bundles and collected in a pile. It was supposed to be a grand statement on the excessive consumerism of First World countries, was just a pretentious pile of laundry.

After the Museum we took a short train ride to Brooklyn Heights for a vegetarian meal (Hail seitan!), then we parted ways.
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