More pix from YFCz Tokyo 9/14~15

Oct 20, 2011 03:40

I thought I posted more pix but I guess I only did 2 on my last post.....
Here's few more pix and I can hopefully get to part 2 of my YFCz experience soon...

That's Jon and Uzo leaving after the show in Uzo's BMW

That's You leaving in his big white SUV, sorry I couldn't tell which brand.....

That's Cha Cha's yellow Porche and one to the left is GACKT's
white Cadillac Escalade......

Some fans including myself waited for GACKT to leave but he just wouldn't come out!!!
I took these on the last day and my friend over heard some other fans saying that GACKT didn't
come out to leave til after 12am night before but at around 11:30 PM I had to give up and headed for the train
station cause I didn't want to miss the train back to my hotel.......
You was first one to leave, then Cha Cha then Uzo and Jon came out.....
You and Cha Cha waved to us briefly before getting into their cars to leave, Uzo just walked to his car,
white BMW which was parked across the way from Cha Cha and You.... Jon was the only one
who actually stopped and waved back to us fans and I think he said thank you, good night or something like that
which was so nice of him ^^ I actually didn't want to like Jon but I do cause I can tell he's such a nice
guy~~ and not sure if I mentioned this before but I have a major crush on Uzo, he's actually pretty hot!!
And super crazy!! This night, which was the last night of Tokyo shows 9/15, Uzo stay with us fans till
the very end throwing water and just playing with us long after all the band member left the stage....
I just love his crazy eye make up too!!^__^
Although I didn't get to see GACKT drive off( I don't think he would drive himself actually, most likely
he has a driver but...) it was a unbelievable experience and I never done anything like that before,
being a groupie, haha~~
Oh~ me and my friend was thinking that GACKT is always last to leave cause, come on he's a big star~
of course he leaves last but also we figured that he's probably going around the venue to thank
everyone/staffs which he always does....after getting some oxygen cause we all know he can hardly
breath after every live...........

yfcz tokyo 9/14~15

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