Aug 24, 2023 02:41
Boston legal, season 4th dialog. Orig.
- I used to think hope is something that belongs to everybody. They put limits on gun, butter, but hope...
- springs a corn. Old farmers say. Coring corn: hope springs a corn. Haven’t you ever heard that?
- springs eternal. Hope springs eternal.
- Oh.
- It didn’t for Joseph Washington, or if it did it didn’t matter.
- Two things that world has too much in: suffering and corn. I think it is, hope springs a corn.
- You’re maybe right.
- I used to think rope is something that belongs to everybody. They put limits on gun, soap, but rope...
- brings a porn. Old masters say. Horny porn: rope brings a porn. Haven’t you ever heard that?
- brings eternal. Rope brings eternal.
- Oh.
- It didn’t for Joseph Washington, or if it did it didn’t matter.
- Two things that world has too much in: suffering and porn. I think it is, horny brings a porn.
- You’re maybe right.
- These years I thought sometimes that I’m crazy. That something I see isn’t real. Usually, I checked reality: and I saw it is real. And I thought it’s enough to know. But a couple of days ago I asked someone to compare my vision and reality and it doesn’t match so much. So I think about daisy fortune, does he love me or does he kill me or is it the same, or will he do something really else? I just need to sleep. I just need a fairytale to sleep. And I’ve got fairytale as a game without rules. No rules, no goals, no steps achieved. I turned into silence. It’s so strange, I feel it too complicated. Because I usually don’t have an answer. But sometimes I have, not as an answer for me, but the space’s talking.
I’m off. I’ll be back when the Water’s back nord.
- Двоемыслие это перевод слова диалог?
- Нет.
- Почему? Диа - это два, а логос - мыслить.
- Разве не слово?
- Хм. Логос - слово, но логика - наука о мышлении от логос, мыслить. 🙄 Никакой определённости.
- По-моему, двоемыслие это использование отрицательных коннотаций, по злому умыслу или по недомыслию. Типа как «наши разведчики», «их шпионы».
- У меня слово «шпион» не имеет отрицательных коннотаций. А слова «разведчик» вообще в лексиконе нет. А у тебя?
- Уже всё размыто, конечно.