Title: The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name Author: Cheese-kun Summary: The Tree of Life gives birth to the Royalty of Spades but they can not develop feelings for each other. But Alfred and Arthur go against nature and do love. A tale of forbidden love and a revolution. Rating: M Warnings: None Reasons: It's a well written original cardverse!AU Status: Completed Read it here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7677000/1/
Title: A Photograph of the Artist as a Young Man Author: fishwrites Summary: Rising fashion model Alfred Jones is cast along side the famous but reclusive Arthur Kirkland for a GQ UK editorial. He quickly discovers that the fashion world's new golden child is actually blind. Rating: T Warnings: None Reasons: Not only it's beautifully written, but this author, from abhauen's fantastic art, developed a unique fanfiction. Everyone should read it. Status: WIP Read it here: http://www.
( ... )
It's based off abubu's blindchild au art on tumblr, and those two are doing great work together! Very impressed with the work. Chapter updates are relatively short compared to other fics, especially when you look at the length of each chapter. I haven't read chapter two yet, but I think it came in at around 10k words?
Definitely worth your time. Also, check out abubu's blind!child tag for pictures related to the AU :DD
I love 'A Photograph of the Artist as a Young Man'. If you're reading this for the first time or have read it and enjoyed it then please download this one too: http://www.mediafire.com/?6z1gg7wfzw5zu2q
It's a voice recording done by Falone42 for this fic and it's even recommended in abubu's tumblr. It adds to the experience. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment on his LJ: http://amplificathon.livejournal.com/1315244.html
Author: Cheese-kun
Summary: The Tree of Life gives birth to the Royalty of Spades but they can not develop feelings for each other. But Alfred and Arthur go against nature and do love. A tale of forbidden love and a revolution.
Rating: M
Warnings: None
Reasons: It's a well written original cardverse!AU
Status: Completed
Read it here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7677000/1/
Title: A Photograph of the Artist as a Young Man
Author: fishwrites
Summary: Rising fashion model Alfred Jones is cast along side the famous but reclusive Arthur Kirkland for a GQ UK editorial. He quickly discovers that the fashion world's new golden child is actually blind.
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Reasons: Not only it's beautifully written, but this author, from abhauen's fantastic art, developed a unique fanfiction. Everyone should read it.
Status: WIP
Read it here: http://www. ( ... )
It's based off abubu's blindchild au art on tumblr, and those two are doing great work together! Very impressed with the work. Chapter updates are relatively short compared to other fics, especially when you look at the length of each chapter. I haven't read chapter two yet, but I think it came in at around 10k words?
Definitely worth your time. Also, check out abubu's blind!child tag for pictures related to the AU :DD
It's a voice recording done by Falone42 for this fic and it's even recommended in abubu's tumblr. It adds to the experience. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment on his LJ: http://amplificathon.livejournal.com/1315244.html
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