Monthly Rec Post - January 2012

Jan 22, 2012 11:41


It's time for the third USUK Rec Post everyone!  We didn't have one for December due to all the Secret Santa Madness, but we're back and raring to go for the new year!  Remember, this will only be as great as you all make it!

The Groundwork aka, The Rules
  • This Rec Post will be centered around America, England or USUK.  It can be any interpretation of those, but one of those should at least be a focus.  It's ok if the rec as US/other or UK/other, but it's very important that USUK is endgame and any other pairings are plot devices.  I know there are plenty of excellent works out there that have
    our boys paired up with others, but this is a post of USUK and I'm going to work to keep it that way ;D
  • Bashing of anyone else's rec/opinion will not be tolerated. Just don't do it. Remember: this is a project for Love, not hate.
  • As much as we all love certain works and authors, this is meant to spread the Love as much as possible, which means double recc'ing is be kept to a minimum.  Each rec will have it's own thread, and if you wish to express your love for a work, please gush to your heart's content in the comments!  If, however, you do double rec, you must also rec something new as well, that way we spread the Love around as much as possible!
  • R-18 recs will be allowed in this rec post, however, PLEASE make sure you leave a title, rating, status (either WIP or finished) and author when you rec, and make sure you're rec does not have any r-18 material in it, just an outgoing link.
  • Give warnings and description of kinks/whatever when necessary, just like with anything else that is posted on the comm.  What you love may be wonderful and others may enjoy, but everyone's got a different cup of tea and due warnings are necessary.  There is a strict no bashing policy, so don't feel shy about posting whatever you love, whatever rating, but give appropriate warnings and caution regarding anything from kinks to triggers to other
    pairings present in the fanwork.  If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to ask or check the comm's policy!  I'd be more than happy to discuss or clarify anything with you.
  • Please mention any other pairings in the fics/art per the comm's general rules.
  • Tell everyone WHY you're rec'ing what you're rec'ing!  A summary of the work and a blurb by you on why you love it is needed for each rec, and the blurb can be as long or as short as you desire, but it's got to be there.
  • All types of rec are absolutely acceptable! The whole shebang, we're talking fanfic, fanart, fanmixes, graphics,
    tumblr sites, videos, authors/artists, kink meme fills (de-anoned or anon).  Everything. GO WILD.  As long as it's USUK, it is welcome to be rec'd in these posts.
  • Rec in the comments of this post, I'll be posting a rec first for an example for anyone who wants it!

       Here's a list of some HTML links you can use to make your recs nice and neat!

  link text - insert link

- insert image/GIF

exampleusername - insert LJ user name

big - Big text

small - little text

This text is bold - bold text

This text is underlined - underlined text

This text is italicised - italizied text

This text is bold, italic, and underlined - all of the above


rec post

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