(no subject)

Jun 25, 2013 22:10

So color me confused. Ever since LJ began hosting ONTD and mentioning popular posts on the front page I occasionally enter the weird and wacky world of celebrity watching. My normal celebrity news fix comes by courtesy of the Hollywood Babylon podcast and therefor mostly consists of Lindsey Lohan / Amanda Bynes / Justin Bieber / that 16 year old who married that 50ish guy from lost and got huge plastic tits bashing. So ONTD is quite a bit of unknown territory. Every time I go looking I'm pretty amazed about the interests of the vapid people in other vapid people and their ability to have a animated gif for any and all celebrity occasions. But that's not what got me confused.

Back in the day, when I was a bit younger and apparently more up to date than I'm now, you dissed people. Disrespecting was the thing to do when you wanted to show people how you really felt about them. But, along with the gangsta rap life style it originated from, dissing has apparently lost traction and has therefor been jettison. According to several replies in ONTD post we drag people nowadays. In what way and for how long seems unclear as there has been no mention of how to drag in the proper way. Anybody any idea where this comes from and what dragging a person actually entails?
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