(no subject)

Apr 24, 2013 00:34

This is fucking hilarious. I would love to see this movie. There's so much awesome b-movie potential.

Side note: I actually got handed a Chick tract after helping a lady out with bike on a train traveling home. In the Netherlands. It even was translated in Dutch. She asked me whether she could give me something after I helped her out. I said sure, why not. I was just trying to be helpful, not looking for some kind of reward, but what the hey? So I was kind of surprised, because it really wasn't a big deal, so why give me money? Wasn't really sure what to expect. But I can assure you I really didn't expect a Chick tract. It still blows my mind. It wasn't the Dark Dungeons comic unfortunately, just some random one. I'm not sure what happened to it. I think I was supposed to send it to gollumgollum, but I can't remember if I ever did. It was really weird to see one in real life.

Anyway: andrewducker linked to the kickstarter, I liked it and remembered I actually have seen one in real life so I thought I'd share.

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