so, I finished Season 5 of Doctor Who and started Season 6

Dec 23, 2011 23:18

Dear Eleven and Amelia Pond,

I am so madly in love with you. You have taken a trite little show full of saccharine optimism and turned it into something that actually tugs my heartstrings on a regular basis. Instead of proselytizing at me with messages of moral absolutism and universal benevolence, I’ve been brought on a joy ride of the wonder and innocence of the child in everyone. You made this show speak to me-after four seasons, you finally made this show speak to the lonely little kid that I still am. And you made her feel joy, and sadness, and not quite so alone. In short: I love you both so very very much and thank you.



(P.S. Give Rory some of my love too. And don’t start sucking after I’ve declared my love for you-that would make me angry.)

doctor who, tv, amy pond, meta, scifi, eleventh doctor

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