in which I watch episodes 2 and 3 of Caprica

Nov 12, 2011 21:50

Wow they dressed up Luciana Carro for this role. I guess it's acceptable to have the same actress play a different part in something set 58 years in the past. My assumption is automatically, of course, that this is Kat's grandmother. Who apparently is way more savvy and uppercrust than my mysterious drug-runner dear-one mixed in with a bad crowd. Oh, Kat. How I hated you and loved you and missed you.

Also, apparently James Marsters is in this show somewhere. Which I'm glad I figured out before he showed up because if I didn't know and he suddenly appeared I would've lost my shit and started screeching.

Wow, a gay mafia thug. Woooow. It's like they made Caprica to address all the criticism that BSG got. "Here, let me fix the plot holes and represent all groups equally :-D!" I like it, but I also see the blatant patchwork they're doing to the universe. As I told my mother: "It's like they're patching the beloved pool toy that they played with too hard. 'Oops, we broke it. Let's try and fix it.'" To which she replied, "Hope no one drowns then." Oh, my mother. But really they shot BSG off the rails there at the end. Everything was helter skelter and willy-nilly and all over the place. None of the plot points made any sense, none of the characters were true to themselves, and the only way to fix the mess they had made was to say "oh, uh... god did it!" Which was what the first two and a half seasons had labored to discredit! UGH MY FRUSTRATION. Anyway, I do feel like Caprica is trying to say "oh, yeah... we meant to do that!!" by ret-conning all this stuff along the way. But I also really do like it on its own merits so far. Three episodes in, haha.

I just realized what Joe Adama told his brother to do. :-O! Cuz I was like "wtf, that line didn't make any sen--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I also love how the entire Adama line is played by Euro-ethnic actors... uh, I think I just made that up--I essentially mean various actors of Hispanic decent, Esai Morales is of Puerto Rican decent, Edward James Olmos is of Mexican decent. The Taurons are a fairly blatant parallel to early 20th century Italians--particularly Italian immigrants in New York City ("Little Tauron"? Oh, come on). And where does this family line end? In Jamie Bamber. Who is English. This is all swirling around in my head. The mafia, and immigration, and integration. And Jamie Bamber, but that's beside the point.

That and the fact that the Graystones have a vintage Jaguar. All of this has happened before...?

I watch TV too seriously.

joseph adama, liveblogging, sexuality, scifi, jamie bamber, esai morales, battlestar galactica, edward james olmos, tv, religion, meta, bill adama, james marsters, media studies, louanne katraine, caprica

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