Day 1: Favorite Season Day 2: Favorite Episode Day 3: Favorite Song Used In An Episode Day 4: Favorite Female Character Day 5: Least Favorite Female Character Day 6: Favorite Male Character Day 7: Least Favorite Male Character Day 8: Favorite Friendship Day 9: Favorite Romance Day 10: Least Favorite SeasonDay 11: Least Favorite RomanceDay 12: Least Favorite Episode Day 13: Favorite Potential Slayer Day 14: Favorite Female Villain Day 15: Favorite Male Villain Day 16: Episode You Like That Everyone Else Hates Day 17: Character You Relate To The Most Day 18: Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time Day 19: Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates Day 20: Best Spike-centric Episode Day 21: Best Willow-centric EpisodeDay 22: Best Xander-centric Episode
This is simply the best episode that focuses on Xander because the focus actually is Xander. It pokes fun at how heavy the show gets with its Apocalypses and impending doom by having an Apocalypse occur completely in the background while Xander is off saving the day in less-large but equally-as-important ways. Which is what Xander's character is all about. He always has the funny quips, he never gets the super-powers or is anything but a normal guy with some crazily awesome friends. This episode is in Season Three when Xander is still Xander--still the funny guy on equal footing with everyone else, but always pushed to the back burner. After Season Three the way the show treats him makes me not only feel sorry for him but also just start losing interest in him. (Seriously, Xander is a vocal Buffy/Riley shipper through to the end of the relationship. His opinion matters to me less and less after that. Plus, have I said before? You do not mess with Spike.) "The Zeppo" also serves to prove that being the Zeppo is a really important and difficult job. Which is where my obligatory Marx Brothers icon comes in handy. The Marx Brothers films without Zeppo to play the semi-straight man just aren't as good. Zeppo was funny by being too straight in contrast to his anarchically zany siblings. It wasn't that he was useless, it was that it was hard for the casual observer to see his importance. "The Zeppo" is a day in the crazy life of Xander, showing us just how important the overlooked one can be. I love how he goes to every character looking for help and they all react in their typical ways--which are all played to hilarious melodramatic effect. Such is Xander--always the comedy. Plus, Sweet Jesus, that car. And how on earth Cordelia even knew who Zeppo was? Hidden depths, my friend. Hidden depths.
(Caps, again, are
by Emma-Jane.)
Day 23: Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did
Day 24: Favorite Example of 90s Special Effects
Day 25: Favorite Buffyverse Saying
Day 26: Favorite Scooby Moment
Day 27: Cutest Moment
Day 28: Character You Love To Hate
Day 29: Episode You Hate That Everyone Else Loves
Day 30: What You Think Made Buffy So Great