I wanted to post my biggest thoughts about Potter before reading other people's... So here goes!
I was right about Snape for the first time!
I totally ate up the Snape / Lily flashbacks.
Ron and Hermione yay.
I really hate James Potter, arrogant bastard.
I'm not cool with what happened to Lupin! At ALL!! Any of it!!!
As I've thought since Book 5
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I think the quote I posted expresses my feelings pretty well. The sorting hat should have stayed burnt when Voldemort burned it leaving Hogwarts united. One of the big messages of all the books was how it was really damaging and divided more than it united - and it was infuriating to find that those divisions were as strong as ever after 19 years.
Nah, however I feel about it, she meant it to be happy/positive.
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