The "stuff goes here" post

Nov 20, 2013 04:46

A handy master list of things I've either written or drawn. Naturally, I've lost most of it, so the most recent work is up here first--until I can either find the links to the rest or can fix the broken picture embeds.

One of these days I will magically produce a beautiful website with fabulous design and lots of bandwidth for absolutely no reason. It will be so astounding that people will have to turn their eyes away in reverence. Until then, you get this very, very half-assed link list.

(That website will probably never, ever happen.)

Also, coming soon: a rec list of recs like reccing things.



Cry Mercy!
Dean and Castiel start a prank war. Sam suffers. 1970 words.

Two Crack Scenarios in Which Lucifer Rises
I, uh--no, wait. I can't explain.

Sandwich Fueled Righteousness
Cas smites and eats. 459 words. Features bonus art.

Dean felt like he’d been dropped into the middle of a video game, the kind that cleaned up the bodies after the player’s character left the room. 11,248 words.

A Cup of Sugar
Written as part of a chat collaboration for the Elm St. Universe (wherein Cas and Dean move into a house on Elm St. and their neighbors are really weird.) Outsider POV. 1668 words.

A Long Year
Keeping Dean alive is more difficult than Castiel ever suspected. 9,736 words.

Find Me, Find Me
Dean takes a vacation unintentionally. Written for bauble who wanted porn. 5,430 words.


Writing On
Inspired in chat during a conversation in which writing or painting on bodies may or may not have been discussed. Probably also drawn because c00kie commanded it.

John Sheppard
John Sheppard needs no explanation.

Cas disapproves of cheesecake
Crack comic sort of thing inspired by the pie vs cheesecake war in the deancastiel sidebar--among other things. Where John Sheppard needs no explanation, I fear this cannot be explained.

Comics (fannish and otherwise):

Porn Names
Work related crack comic (as most of them seem to be.)

Commentfic and Quickfire Challenge Entries:

Chat induced shoebox fic
Just a small product of an epic chat idea that makes me want docu-fic like whoa. 22by7 proposed novelist Cas whose work was a collection of fragments and journal entries. It was also proposed that snippets of music, photos and grocery lists would be collected to make the final product, all stored in a shoebox. Of course, this summary does the idea no justice whatsoever and I loved the idea so much that when thisfishflies posted her art for it, I had to write commentfic. I also would dearly love to make this into a full fledged apocafic detailing all of the aspects of their travels in document form from the mundane to the exhaustingly tragic. I love the idea so much that, as you can see, I've probably already written more about loving the idea than, uh, actually writing it.

Lucifer's evil pie shop and More pie shop
Written for c00kie's supposition that Lucifer would open a pie shop serving the world's best pies and Dean would be conflicted.

Written for the deancastiel Roll the Dice Challenge Love Spell prompt. 886 words.

Feeding a cow with roses does not get extra appreciation.
Written for the deancastiel Quickfire Fortune Cookie Challenge. 728 words.

Castiel adopts a kitten
Written for a prompt by thisfishflies on bauble's Spreading the Holiday Cheer Dean/Cas Commentfic Meme. Possibly the fluffiest thing I have written ever.

art: sga, art: original, fic: spn, art: spn

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