Fingers. Toes. Anything else you can... which, I don't know what that would be, but yea.
Got my old hard-drive back and it is working! So, let's all just hope this continues for a looooooooooooooooooong time. :D
I went ahead and bought M83's 'Kim And Jessie' (my free version had a lot of bad feedback). That darn Legend Of the Seeker It made me do it! ;)
Sleep schedule is all out of whack now. I am running off of fandom & music steam - not much else.
However, my radio show kicked so much ass. If you didn't hear it, you really missed out. It was 80's-licious.
With my old hard-drive back, all my photos are right here. So, now it is time for a picspam of all that I love. 'Coz I am filled with love. <3
--Flippin' SKU is still made of win. And Utena & Anthy are still made of win, too. I couldn't have asked for a better pairing in a series - cracked out and deeper than the ocean.
--I love how Milla looks here. Like the best morning ever.
--These two women will forever keep me gay. And I adore everlasting connections, in whatever form they show up, and LL & ROC should patent the term 'soulmate'.
--Songs about you. Films about you. Books about you. I bet you never thought it would go this far, just a girl who wanted a little bit a fame... If you were still around, I'd still be your number one fan.
--I love women who love other women. Because lesbianism is the cherry on my sundae.
--They did not teach me about love. They just showed me how wonderful it could look.
--The fact that this is real and actually exists is reason enough for me to grin. Just like the cat that ate the canary.
--South Of Nowhere gave just enough to make a person want more. Hence my absolute addiction to the fandom for the past... seven/eight/nine months. Damn you, Spashley. You've eaten my brain.
--I really do like Lindsay Lohan. And this is the version I miss the most - still a red-head, still dating a chick. Come back, Lindsay. <3
I think I gotta write now.
Catch ya on the flipside, kids....