Chie's Party and Backpack

Nov 30, 2020 17:40

Name: Bruce ♂
Species: Hitmonlee (Fighting)
Level: 99
Ability: Limber (Immune to Paralysis)
Nature: Hasty (+Speed, -Defense) (likes Sweet, dislikes Sour)
Characteristic: Somewhat stubborn
Size: 4'10" / 111 lbs
Egg Group(s): Humanshape
Met: 2010-11-30, New Bark Town, Lv5 (starter)

Personality: Always ready for a fight -- always. Wants to protect his fellows and his trainer's friends. Never speaks, because he wants to seem like the cool silent type, but really he's a bit goofy deep down.

Tackle (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Helping Hand (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Fake Out (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Foresight (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Evolved from Tyrogue [Lv20]
Focus Energy (Normal Status) [Lv21]
Feint (Normal Physical) [Lv25]
Hi Jump Kick (Fighting Physical) [Lv29]
Mind Reader (Normal Status) [Lv33]
Blaze Kick (Fire Physical) [Lv41]
Endure (Normal Status) [Lv45]
Mega Kick (Normal Physical) [Lv49]
Close Combat (Fighting Physical) [Lv53]
Reversal (Fighting Physical) [Lv57]
Rock Smash (Fighting Physical) [HM06, 2011-06-07]
Stone Edge (Rock Physical) [TM71, 2011-06-07]
Swagger (Normal Status) [TM87, 2011-06-07]
Strength (Normal Physical) [HM04, 2011-06-10]

Name: Goldie ♀
Species: Gyarados (Water/Flying)
Level: 78
Ability: Intimidate (Lowers opponent's Attack by one stage when entering battle)
Nature: Docile (no +/-) (no likes/dislikes)
Characteristic: Alert to sounds
Size: 21'2" / 522 lbs
Egg Group(s): Water 2, Dragon
Met: 2010-12-06, Route 30, Lv5 (caught)

Personality: Normally quiet to the point of apathy -- but when something interests her, she'll throw herself into it with all her enthusiasm. Never forgets her humble beginnings, or all the effort her trainer went to for her.

Splash (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Tackle (Normal Physical) [Lv15]
Evolved from Magikarp [Lv20]
Bite (Dark Physical) [Lv20]
Dragon Rage (Dragon Special) [Lv23]
Leer (Normal Status) [Lv26]
Twister (Dragon Special) [Lv29]
Ice Fang (Ice Physical) [Lv32]
Aqua Tail (Water Physical) [Lv35]
Rain Dance (Water Status) [Lv38]
Hydro Pump (Water Special) [Lv41]
Rock Smash (Fighting Physical) [HM06, 2011-06-07]
Strength (Normal Physical) [HM04, 2011-06-10]
Surf (Water Special) [HM03, 2011-06-14]
Dragon Dance (Dragon Status) [Lv44]
Hyper Beam (Normal Special) [Lv47]

Name: Suzuka Gongen ♀
Species: Froslass (Ice/Ghost)
Level: 95
Ability: Snow Cloak (Evasion raised by 20% in hail)
Nature: Hardy (no +/-) (no likes/dislikes)
Characteristic: Good perseverance
Size: 4'05" / 54 lbs
Egg Group(s): Fairy, Mineral
Met: 2011-01-01, Violet City, Lv1 (Christmas egg)

Personality: Her cool demeanor masks a caring heart. Like Bruce, the image she wants to give off is at odds with some of her deeper feelings.

Powder Snow (Ice Special) [Lv1]
Leer (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Double Team (Normal Status) [Lv4]
Bite (Dark Physical) [Lv10]
Icy Wind (Ice Special) [Lv13]
Headbutt (Normal Physical) [Lv19]
Protect (Normal Status) [Lv22]
Ice Fang (Ice Physical) [Lv28]
Crunch (Dark Physical) [Lv31]
Ice Shard (Ice Physical) [Lv37]
Hail (Ice Status) [Lv40]
Evolved from Snorunt [Lv40, with Dawn Stone, 2011-05-05]
Blizzard (Ice Special) [Lv51]
Ice Beam (Ice Special) [TM13, 2011-06-07]
Destiny Bond (Ghost Status) [Lv59]

Name: Yosuke ♂
Species: Dunsparce (Normal)
Level: 90
Ability: Run Away (Guaranteed to escape from wild Pokémon)
Nature: Lax (+Defense, -Sp. Defense) (likes Sour, dislikes Bitter)
Characteristic: Quick to flee
Size: 4'10" / 32 lbs
Egg Group(s): Field
Met: 2011-01-17, Violet City, Lv58 (from previous Chie via Rise)

Personality: Derpy, a little lazy, kinda clumsy, occasionally over-enthusiastic. Frankly, Chie can see why her old self picked the name she did.

Rage (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Defense Curl (Normal Status) [Lv5]
Yawn (Normal Status) [Lv9]
Glare (Normal Status) [Lv13]
Rollout (Rock Physical) [Lv17]
Spite (Ghost Status) [Lv21]
Pursuit (Dark Physical) [Lv25]
Screech (Normal Status) [Lv29]
Roost (Flying Status) [Lv33]
Take Down (Normal Physical) [Lv37]
AncientPower (Rock Special) [Lv41]
Dig (Ground Physical) [Lv45]
Endeavor (Normal Physical) [Lv49]
Flail (Normal Physical) [Lv53]
Rock Smash (Fighting Physical) [HM06, 2011-06-07]
Strength (Normal Physical) [HM04, 2011-06-10]

Name: Shadow ♀
Species: Banette (Ghost)
Level: 89
Ability: Insomnia (Immune to Sleep)
Nature: Impish (+Defense, -Sp. Attack) (likes Sour, dislikes Dry)
Characteristic: Mischievous
Size: 3'06" / 28 lbs
Egg Group(s): Indeterminate
Met: 2011-01-17, Violet City, Lv36 (from previous Chie via Souji)

Personality: Enjoys the occasional prank, but only harmless ones. Only really lets loose her evil side on the battlefield. Since her evolution, has taken to sneaking into Chie's arms at night.

Knock Off (Dark Physical) [Lv1]
Screech (Normal Status) [Lv5]
Night Shade (Ghost Special) [Lv8]
Curse (??? Status) [Lv13]
Spite (Ghost Status) [Lv16]
Shadow Sneak (Ghost Physical) [Lv20]
Will-O-Wisp (Fire Status) [Lv23]
Faint Attack (Dark Physical) [Lv28]
Shadow Ball (Ghost Special) [Lv31]
Sucker Punch (Dark Physical) [Lv35]
Evolved from Shuppet [Lv37]
Embargo (Dark Status) [Lv42]
Snatch (Dark Status) [Lv51]
Grudge (Ghost Status) [Lv58]
Trick (Psychic Status) [Lv66]

Name: Sandy ♂
Species: Sandshrew (Ground)
Level: 80
Ability: Sand Veil (Evasion increased by 20% in a sandstorm)
Nature: Gentle (+Sp. Defense, -Defense) (likes Bitter, dislikes Sour)
Characteristic: Loves to eat
Size: 2'00" / 27 lbs
Egg Group(s): Field
Met: 2011-01-22, Violet City, Lv40 (from Simon via Kaito)

Personality: Shy and reserved, but seems to have a soft spot for his new trainer. Growing more comfortable in battle, but he still doesn't want to evolve. Has a surprisingly deep stomach.

Scratch (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Defense Curl (Normal Status) [Lv3]
Sand Attack (Ground Status) [Lv7]
Poison Sting (Poison Physical) [Lv9]
Rapid Spin (Normal Physical) [Lv13]
Swift (Normal Special) [Lv15]
Fury Swipes (Normal Physical) [Lv19]
Rollout (Rock Physical) [Lv21]
Crush Claw (Normal Physical) [Lv22]
Fury Cutter (Bug Physical) [Lv28]
Sand Tomb (Ground Physical) [Lv33]
Slash (Normal Physical) [Lv40]
Gyro Ball (Steel Physical) [Lv45]
Sandstorm (Rock Status) [Lv52]
Rock Smash (Fighting Physical) [HM06, 2011-06-07]
Strength (Normal Physical) [HM04, 2011-06-10]

Name: Rinty ♂
Species: Houndoom (Dark/Fire)
Level: 82
Ability: Early Bird (Length of Sleep is halved, rounding down)
Nature: Quiet (+Sp. Attack, -Speed) (likes Dry, dislikes Sweet)
Characteristic: Good endurance
Size: 4'10" / 80 lbs
Egg Group(s): Field
Met: 2011-03-30, Violet City, Lv11 (from Cybil)

Personality: Quietly determined to always be at his best. He has a playful side too, though, and loves to be shown affection.

Leer (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Ember (Fire Special) [Lv1]
Howl (Normal Status) [Lv4]
Smog (Poison Special) [Lv9]
Roar (Normal Status) [Lv14]
Bite (Dark Physical) [Lv17]
Odor Sleuth (Normal Status) [Lv22]
Evolved from Houndour [Lv24]
Beat Up (Dark Physical) [Lv28]
Fire Fang (Fire Physical) [Lv32]
Rock Smash (Fighting Physical) [HM06, 2011-06-07]
Toxic (Poison Status) [TM06, 2011-06-07]
Strength (Normal Physical) [HM04, 2011-06-10]
Faint Attack (Dark Physical) [Lv38]
Embargo (Dark Status) [Lv44]
Flamethrower (Fire Special) [Lv48]
Crunch (Dark Physical) [Lv54]
Nasty Plot (Dark Status) [Lv60]

Name: Tiger ♂
Species: Gallade (Psychic/Fighting)
Level: 82
Ability: Steadfast (Raises Speed after being flinched)
Nature: Brave (+Attack, -Speed) (likes Spicy, dislikes Sweet)
Characteristic: Proud of its power
Size: 5'01" / 108 lbs
Egg Group(s): Indeterminate
Met: 2011-05-01, Goldenrod City, Lv1 (Easter egg)

Personality: Determined to be a great hero, the kind that everyone looks up to. Chose his name himself (with assistance from Chie and Rise).

Growl (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Shadow Sneak (Ghost Physical) [Lv1 (egg move)]
Confusion (Psychic Special) [Lv6]
Double Team (Normal Status) [Lv10]
Teleport (Psychic Status) [Lv12]
Lucky Chant (Normal Status) [Lv17]
Evolved from Ralts [Lv20]
Evolved from Kirlia [Lv20, with Dawn Stone, 2011-06-07]
Rock Smash (Fighting Physical) [HM06, 2011-06-07]
Strength (Normal Physical) [HM04, 2011-06-10]
Slash (Normal Physical) [Lv22]
Swords Dance (Normal Status) [Lv25]
Psycho Cut (Psychic Physical) [Lv31]
Helping Hand (Normal Status) [Lv36]
Feint (Normal Physical) [Lv39]
False Swipe (Normal Physical) [Lv45]
Protect (Normal Status) [Lv50]
Close Combat (Fighting Physical) [Lv53]

Name: Spike ♂
Species: Pinsir (Bug)
Level: 61
Ability: Mold Breaker (Negates effects of certain move-negating abilities)
Nature: Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Attack) (likes Sweet, dislikes Dry)
Characteristic: Somewhat of a clown
Size: 5'2" / 134 lbs
Egg Group(s): Bug
Met: 2011-05-05, Johto National Park, Lv14 (caught)

Personality: The friendliest giant bug around, much to Chie's dismay. Hasn't gotten much time out of his Pokéball yet, but his trainer is starting to warm to him.

ViceGrip (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Focus Energy (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Bind (Normal Physical) [Lv4]
Seismic Toss (Fighting Physical) [Lv8]
Harden (Normal Status) [Lv13]
Rock Smash (Fighting Physical) [HM06, 2011-06-07]
Strength (Normal Physical) [HM04, 2011-06-10]
Revenge (Fighting Physical) [Lv18]
Brick Break (Fighting Physical) [Lv21]
Vital Throw (Fighting Physical) [Lv25]
X-Scissor (Bug Physical) [Lv30]
Thrash (Normal Physical) [Lv35]
Swords Dance (Normal Status) [Lv38]
Submission (Fighting Physical) [Lv42]
Guillotine (Normal Physical) [Lv47]
Superpower (Fighting Physical) [Lv52]

Name: Jackie ♂
Species: Riolu (Fighting)
Level: 27
Ability: Inner Focus (immune to flinching)
Nature: Serious (no +/-) (no likes/dislikes)
Characteristic: Very finicky
Size: 2'05" / 47 lbs
Egg Group(s): N/A
Met: 2011-09-21, Goldenrod City, Lv1 (egg from Lightning)

Personality: Quiet and keeps to himself, though he gets along well with his almost-hatchmates Agi and Bufu.

Quick Attack (Normal Physical) [Lv1]
Foresight (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Endure (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Counter (Fighting Physical) [Lv6]
Force Palm (Fighting Physical) [Lv11]
Feint (Normal Physical) [Lv15]
Reversal (Fighting Physical) [Lv19]
Screech (Normal Status) [Lv24]

Name: Agi/Bufu ♂
Species: Doduo (Normal/Flying)
Level: 26
Ability: Early Bird (duration of Sleep is halved, rounding down)
Nature: Mild (+Sp. Attack, -Defense) (likes Dry, dislikes Sour)
Characteristic: Often lost in thought
Size: 5'1" / 102 lbs
Egg Group(s): Flying
Met: 2011-10-06, Goldenrod City, Lv1 (egg from Teddie)

Personality: Full of energy, putting their all into everything they do. Each head has a different personality -- Agi is hot-headed, Bufu is cool and calm -- but they get along easily.

Peck (Flying Physical) [Lv1]
Growl (Normal Status) [Lv1]
Quick Attack (Normal Physical) [Lv5]
Rage (Normal Physical) [Lv10]
Fury Attack (Normal Physical) [Lv14]
Pursuit (Dark Physical) [Lv19]
Uproar (Normal Special) [Lv23]


- Briefly took care of fortunatewings's Empoleon Margery and Skarmory Eileen, both of whom were a great help in speeding up her travel to find Souji at the Ice Path. Once usedhat returned to Johto, Chie sent them back to her.

Wanted (IC):

Wanted (OOC):

- Trainer gear
  - Change of clothes: Battle Girl
- Generally keeps plenty of Potions and Fresh Water stocked, and always has enough Revives for the whole party (thank you, Goldenrod City Mall)
- Has three or four of each status-healing item stocked, just to be safe
- Still has the original Repel, Max Repel, and Escape Rope that Mom gave her -- she never bothers with those things

Key Items
- 1 Squirtbottle (from Whitney)

- TM06 Toxic (Goldenrod, 2011-06-07) [Rinty]
- TM13 Ice Beam (Goldenrod, 2011-06-07) [Suzuka Gongen]
- TM30 Shadow Ball (Morty, 2011-06-10)
- TM45 Attract (Whitney, 2011-05-21)
- TM51 Roost (Falkner, 2011-04-01)
- TM71 Stone Edge (Goldenrod, 2011-06-07) [Bruce]
- TM87 Swagger (Goldenrod, 2011-06-07) [Bruce]

- HM03 Surf (Jasmine, 2011-06-14)
- HM04 Strength (Morty, 2011-06-10)
- HM06 Rock Smash* (Whitney, 2011-05-21)

Pokédollars: 58,000 (most recent purchase: about 10,000 in healing items, 5,000 for a Dawn Stone, 29,500 in TMs)


Last Updated: 2011-12-20

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