Bout 005 (Video/Action): Badge battle!

Apr 01, 2011 22:37

It's time for another trainer to challenge the Violet Gym! Today it's a short-haired girl in a green track jacket who waves to Falkner with a grin. "You ready for a fight?"

"Always," Falkner replies with a small smirk and a nod. "Let's begin!"

A cry rings out that might seem familiar if any Inaba residents were around: "Go, Suzuka Gongen!" Of course, Chie is summoning not a Persona, but a Pokémon. Her Snorunt leaps forward to face off against Falkner's Noctowl. The battle is fast and furious; for such a tiny thing, Suzuka Gongen has a great deal of fighting spirit. It's close by the end, but Suzuka Gongen's array of Ice moves are poison to the Flying-type before her, and one last Ice Fang brings the Noctowl down.

When the Honchkrow comes out, Chie is ready to call Suzuka Gongen back, but the little Snorunt shakes her head furiously. "You sure you wanna keep going?" Chie asks. At the nod she receives in return, she shrugs and shakes her head. "Alright, if you say so..." As stubborn as her owner, she can't help but think. Chie has to spend the first minute or two using up most of her Potion stock, but Suzuka Gongen rallies, tearing into the Honchkrow with Ice attack after Ice attack. Hit hard by a Wing Attack and knocked into low HP, she teeters at the edge of defeat... but gets a lucky shot with Powder Snow and freezes her opponent. And with that, all that's left is the clean-up.

Finally Falkner calls out his Pidgeot. Suzuka Gongen can admit that this foe is too much for her in her weakened state, so with a grin, Chie swaps her out for Bruce, her Hitmonlee. Falkner shakes his head. "Really? A Fighting-type? This will be over too quickly."

Chie's grin only gets wider. "Yeah, it will."

And it is. The Pidgeot's type advantage isn't nearly enough to compensate for Bruce's superior experience. It puts up a valiant effort, but Bruce takes it apart with kick after kick, finally ending the fight with a dramatic Blaze Kick, flames trailing after his outstretched foot as the poor bird falls to the floor.

"...Impressive," Falkner admits, a bit grudgingly. "You've earned this, miss." And he tosses the Zephyr Badge into her waiting hand.


[Chie's gear clicks back on about a half-hour later, focusing on a pleased-looking Hitmonlee in the middle of the Pokécenter.] Alright, Bruce, show it off! [Bruce stretches for a moment, then poses dramatically, holding out:]

[Chie rotates the camera around to her grinning face, Suzuka Gongen nestled in the crook of her other arm.] One badge down, seven to go! I think Shadow got it all recorded. Can you believe Suzuka Gongen beat two of Falkner's birds? [The Snorunt in question smiles, looking tired but content.] And can't forget Bruce finishing things off, of course.

So now that that's done, I think we're all ready to get out of Violet. [Suzuka Gongen chirps an affirmative "Sno".] Souji-kun, how long do you think it'll take you to get here? Oh, and should we go pick Yosuke up? And wasn't Kanji-kun -- Well, you've probably got it all planned out already, so whatever's good with you is good with me!

[Chie turns toward the exit and looks out at the rain.] Man, just look at it pour out there. Maybe we oughtta wait until it... [Blink blink.] Hey, guys, do you see something out there?

[Chie hands the gear to Suzuka Gongen, and all three of them peer out through the glass, looking at what appears to be a small black figure sitting out in the rain...]

Uh... Is anybody in Violet missing a... skull... puppy?

((Still picking up comments from the last post, but here's Chie's first badge win! She's also running across Cybil's Houndour.))

&usedeverything, &restardom, &10yen_idol, badge getto da ze, &ahokonakamori, #video, !ic posts, &conflictedrebel, what is this madness, two posts in one week, &usedkunai, #action, @violet city

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