Mar 29, 2011 13:28
[ screened from Santa ]
Hey everyone! Sorry, this is kind of last minute but... does anyone have any Pokemon up for sale? Money's not an issue - I have enough, it's just...
[ She smiles. Aw, so cute. ]
Just important! I'm going to give it as a gift, so I'm hoping the Pokemon is really cool. Thank you so much in advance and remember - I have the money to pay for it! You name the price ~
Oh, and I'd really appreciate if I could get it as soon as possible. I'm in Goldenrod, so that might be a bit of an issue...
Well, thanks anyway!
[ end screened ]
[ locked to Santa ]
So, I got you a present! Don't worry, it's nothing special.
[ end locked ]
april fools,
forever filter to broski,
souji is the best person ever,
she is not really this moe,
not trolling,