✕ pokemon ✕

Mar 22, 2017 18:26


❝ zero ❞

type: rock/ground
level: 89 - (+ weekly levels: 5/5)
gender: ♂
nature: brave
ability: sturdy 
obtained on: march 13th, 2011; mahogany town (starter)
.mud sport ← ground, status
tackle ← normal, physical
harden ← normal, status
bind ← normal, physical
screech ← normal, status
rock throw ← rock, physical
rage ← normal, physical
smack down ← rock, physical
sand storm ← rock, physical
rock polish ← rock, status
slam ← normal, physical
stealth rock ← rock, status
dragonbreath ← dragon, special
curse ← ghost, status
iron tail ← steel, physical
sand tomb ← ground, physical
double edge ← normal, physical
stone edge ← rock, physical

❝ nini ❞statsmoveset
type: normal
level: 82 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♀
nature: hasty
ability: synchronize 
obtained on: march 21, 2011; goldenrod city (obtained from santa) tail whip ← normal, status
tackle ← normal, physical
helping hand ← normal, status
sand attack ← ground, status
pursuit ← dark, physical
quick attack ← normal, physical
confuse ray ← ghost, status
faint attack ← dark, physical
assurance ← dark, physical
last resort ← normal, physical
mean look ← normal, status
screech ← normal, status
moonlight <-normal, status
guard swamp <- psychic, status

[ 1 ]
❝ mono❞statsmoveset
type: normal
level: 76 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♀
nature: relaxed
ability: limber 
obtained on: fake out ← normal, physical
scratch ← normal, physical
growl ← normal, status
hypnosis ← psychic, status
faint attack ← dark, physical
furry swipes ← normal, physical
charm ← normal, status
assist ← normal, status
captivate ← normal, status
slash ← normal, physical
sucker punch ← dark, physical
attract ← normal, status
hone claws ← dark, status

[ 2 ]
❝ socks❞statsmoveset
type: fire
level: 67 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♀
nature: jolly
ability: flash fire
obtained on: - .ember ← fire, special
tail whip ← normal, status
roar ← normal, status
quick attack ← normal, physical
fire spin ← fire, special
confuse ray ← ghost, status
imprison ← psychic, status
flame burst ← fire, special
safeguard ← normal, status
will-o-wisp ← fire, status
payback ← dark, physical
flamethrower ← fire, special
captivate ← normal, status
inferno ← fire, special
grudge ← ghost, status
extrasensory ← psychic, special
fire blast <- fire, special

[ 3 ]
❝ king❞statsmoveset
type: water
level: 58 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♂
nature: careful
ability: defiant
obtained on: - .pound ← normal, physical
growl ← normal, status
bubble ← water, special
water sport ← water, status
peck ← flying, physical
bubble beam ← water, special
bide ← normal, physical
furry attack ← normal, physical
brine ← water, special
whirlpool ← water, special
mist ←- ice, status
drill peck ← flying, physical
hydro pump ← water, special[ 4 ]
type: dragon
level: 56 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♂
nature: lax
ability: shed skin
obtained on: - .wrap ← normal, physical 
leer ← normal, status
twister ← dragon, special
dragon rage ← dragon, special
slam ← normal, physical
agility ← psychic, status
dragon tail ← dragon, physical
aqua tail ← water, physical
dragon rush ← dragon, physical
safe guard <-normal, status
dragon dance <- dragon,status
outrage <- dragon, physical
[ 5 ]
❝ toes❞statsmoveset
type: poison, flying
level: 38 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♂
nature: rash
ability: inner focus 
obtained on: . leech life ← bug, physical
supersonic ← normal, status
astonish ← ghost, physical
bite ← dark, physical
wing attack ← flying, physical
confuse ray ← ghost, status
air cutter ← flying, special
mean look ← normal, status
acrobatics ← flying, physical
poison fang ← poison, physical[ 6 ]
❝ junie❞statsmoveset
type: normal
level: 37 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♂
nature: quirky 
ability: klutz 
obtained on: - .splash ← normal, status
pound ← normal, physical
defense curl ← normal,
status foresight ← normal, status
endure ← normal, status
frustration ← normal, physical
quick attack ← normal, physical
jump kick ← fighting, physical
baton pass ← normal, status
agility ← psychic, status
dizzy punch ← normal, physical[ 7 ]
type: electric
level: 56 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♀
nature: naughty 
ability: minus
obtained on: april 24, 2011growl ← normal, status
thunder wave ← electric, special
quick attack ← normal, physical
helping hand ← normal, status
spark ← electric, physical
encore ← normal, status
charm ← normal, status
copy cat ← normal, status
electro ball ← electric, special
swift ← normal, special[ 8 ]
❝ ❞statsmoveset
type: fire
level: 31 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
nature: bold
ability: blaze
obtained on: may 11, 2010; goldenrod city (bought from souji)scratch ← normal, physical
growl ← normal, status
ember ← fire, physical
smokescreen ← normal, status
dragon rage ← dragon, special
scary face ← normal, status
fire fang ← fire, physical
flame burst ← fire, special[ 9 ]
type: normal
level: 23 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
nature: timid
ability: anticipation
obtained on: may 11, 2010; goldenrod city (bought from souji)tail whip ← normal, status
tackle ← normal, physical
helping hand ← normal, status
sand-attack ← ground, status
growl ← normal, status
quick attack ← normal, physical [ 10 ]
type: water
level: 25 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♂
nature: mild
ability: torrent
obtained on: may 11, 2011; goldenrod city (bought from souji)tackle ← normal, physical
tail whip ← normal, status
bubble ← water, special
withdraw ← water, status
water gun ← water, special
bite ← dark, physical
rapid spin ← normal, physical
protect ← normal, status
water pulse ← water, special[ 11 ]
❝ seven❞statsmoveset
type: psychic
level: 28 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: ♂
nature: serious
ability: synchronize
obtained on: .may 11, 2011; goldenrod city (bought from souji)teleport ← psychic, status [ 12 ]
❝ day❞statsmoveset
type: normal : electric/ghost
heat : electric/fire
wash : electric/water
frost : electric/ice
fan : electric/flying
mow : electric/grass
level: 29 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
nature: adamant
ability: levitate
obtained on: .trick ← psychic, status
astonish ← ghost, physical
thunder wave ← electric, status
thundershock ← electric, special
confuse ray ← ghost, status
uproar ← normal, special
double team ← normal, status
shock wave ← electric, special
ominous wind ← ghost, special

normal rotom : thunder shock ← electric, special
heat rotom : overheat ← fire, special
wash rotom : hydro pump ← water, special
frost rotom : blizzard ← ice, special
fan rotom : air slash ← flying, special
mow rotom : leaf storm ← grass, special [ 13 ]
❝ lucky❞statsmoveset
type: normal
level: 34 - (+ weekly levels: 0/5)
gender: n/a
nature: relaxed
ability: limber
obtained on: .transform ← normal, status
❝ soy sauce❞

type: normal
level: 10 - (+ weekly levels: 5/5)
nature: naive
ability: cute charm
obtained on: may 23, 2011; goldenrod city (obtained from santa)
.pound ← normal, physical
charm ← normal, status
encore ← normal, status
sing ← normal, status
sweet kiss ← normal, status

❝ ❞

type: rock/psychic
level: 7 - (+ weekly levels: 5/5)
nature: lonely
ability: levitate
obtained on:
.tackle ← normal, physical
harden ← normal, status
confusion ← psychic, special

❝candles ❞

type: water/ice
level: 7 - (+ weekly levels: 5/5)
nature: gentle
ability: hydration
obtained on:
.sing ← normal, status
growl ← normal, status
water gun ← water, special
mist ← ice, status
confuse ray ← ghost, status

jaaaaaan, best daughter ever, jan is so smart, january is my new favorite month, jan is adorable, she is so sweet, i love jan, mommy loves you, jan is so wonderful to me, mommy is so proud, !ooc, am i done yet, zern and homo on a boagt spbs, jam, nope needs more love, !pokemon, jan is so moe, peanut butter and jam, spbs, looooooooove, ilu jan, jan is the best, all my tags will be about jan, jan dear, and she's asian, jan is so cute

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