Mar 10, 2011 19:56
So. Uh...
Do these Pokégear things break real easy or what? I was gonna call that Kuwabara guy to see if he wanted to battle again, but it said his 'gear wasn't "in service." What's that about? Rock was lookin' forward to battling his Tyrogue again.
Rocky kinda...changed n' stuff.
[Mac moves the camera to show a Hitmonchan who appears to be...shadowboxing?]
It's kinda cool, y'know? I didn't think Rock would end up bein' a boxer! I think we'll get along real good now.
Then again, I thought Rock was a guy. Maybe that's why he...uh...she...?
Maybe that's why Rock used to get so ticked at me. I thought, was a guy all this time! At least I think Rock's a girl, what with that purple skirty whatever.
[Rocky throws a look to his trainer that screams "Why do I even put up with you?", before resuming his training.]
!route 30,
*heather mason,
mac is a derp,
*oerba dia vanille