Feb 11, 2011 17:34
[The feed comes on to show Mac, sitting in the Cherrygrove Pokemon Center sporting a grin and a great new black eye.]
I think I'm gettin' used to this Pokemon thing...and I think Rocky is really startin' to warm up to me. He ain't taken a swing at me in like...a whole day or somethin'! [He looks away from the camera for second.] We're gettin' to be real buddies, huh, Rock?
Oh, and uh...I caught this little guy!
[A Hoppip hops up onto his head, chirping.]
Named him Chuck. He don't know a lot of attacks or nothin' yet, but, uh, that's okay! We can work on that! It's all a matter of trainin'!
But just so I know, is "Splash" supposed to do anything? Because that's what Chuck did and it didn't really do anything.