[Video/Text] We don't want you to see/We come and we go/Here today, gone tomorrow

Nov 24, 2011 23:05

[Video ; Evening]

[So... Ken doesn't look too happy. Not at all. You could start with the dark purplish bruise on his left cheek, and a cut covered in a band-aid above his right eye. You could also start with the fact he hasn't frowned this deeply in months. He's dressed in a jacket similar to his Gekkoukan uniform, but not the same one. He's grown out of that. And, surprisingly enough, Ken is wearing pants. This is important enough to be mentioned.]

I think I prefer walking through snow taller than me to this. [Then he sighs. And he grins. Maybe just a tiny little bit.]

But they couldn't take her back.

[Maybe he's wrong to be proud of that, and cruel to be happy when so many Pokemon are missing. But Team Rocket gave him Nemesis, and he was almost afraid that one day, they'd take her back. Let him have a small happiness.]

And there's no way they'll be able to take the rest for good.

[Text ; Nightfall]

Is it strange to just get used to everyone disappearing from here?

[It has to be, right? He should feel some sort of way about Mitsuru and Akihiko going home. Sure he missed having Aki around... and not having Mitsuru to call is... weird...

But he just doesn't know anymore.]
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