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Apr 14, 2011 18:54

Name: Kim
Livejournal Username: wallscrolls
E-mail: livejournal[at]anigirl15[dot]com
AIM/MSN: kbb08
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: Koki Kariya | usedbide

Name: GLaDOS
Series: Portal
Timeline: Just after being murdered by Chell
Canon Resource Links: http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Glados

Personality: GLaDOS is an artificial intelligence whose personality is based around four “cores” installed in her. Consequently, these cores form the pillars of personality: curiosity, knowledge, emotion, and morality.

GLaDOS was built for the purpose of helping Aperture Science beat Black Mesa to the full development of portal technology, and is constantly working towards testing out Aperture Science’s technology in this field. To this end, she has no qualms about coercion, making false promises, lying, otherwise obscuring the truth, or inflicting punishment if she sees fit. She is much more concerned with the technology under her care than the people. While she, at least initially, does her best to act like a standard program running a simple battery of tests, as the tests proceed it becomes more and more apparent that there is much more to GLaDOS than simple testing procedures.

Perhaps the most telling part of GLaDOS’s overall personality is the fact that when her cores are knocked off, the only core which doesn’t speak at all when Chell picks it up is her morality core. Of all the aspects of her personality, her morality is the one with the least say in how she acts. Her morality extends just as far as keeping her from outright killing people. While during testing, she puts subjects (both human and android) through many tasks that are far more than likely to kill them, it’s only when her morality core is destroyed that she begins to actively pump neurotoxin into the air. It’s the difference between not caring about the welfare of others, and being openly hostile, and a testament to how thin the line between these two is for her.

The only one of her personality cores that doesn’t seem unusual or broken is the curiosity core. In order to develop portal technology, GLaDOS wants to learn everything she can about anything she can. This is also a big motivation for her not actively killing off her test subjects: she’s already seen what happens with death by neurotoxin, and if she lets her subjects run though the testing chambers, she can learn more about all the interesting other ways they can die (and maybe something new about the portal technology, but that seems more like a bonus than anything else). Her curiosity overrides her hostility, but it doesn’t change her sadism.

GLaDOS has a self-proclaimed “near-infinite capacity for knowledge”, and as a supercomputer, has access to a huge range of information. There’s really no more elegant way to say it than that she knows a lot. This is a fact that she often flaunts and even exaggerates: claiming things such as knowing what happens to people after they die. However, there are some noticeable hiccups in her knowledge. It’s unknown where the bug comes from, but when her knowledge core is detached, it drones on in a monotone voice about an incorrect (and very disturbing) recipe for a cake. At some point in her past GLaDOS’s knowledge core became fixated on cake, hence causing her frequent mention of it as a reward. Cake is her favorite promise for a prize at the end of testing; however she never has any intention of actually granting this prize.

GLaDOS’s last core is her emotion core, and her personality’s driving force. But rather than exhibiting a broad spectrum of emotions, the core itself is nothing but a snarling, aggressive show of anger. While the other cores all work together to keep this one in check, deep down GLaDOS has nothing more than pure hatred. This is further demonstrated by the fact that until her other cores (particularly morality) are integrated, every attempt to start her up had to be aborted as she began to try killing the scientists within picoseconds of activation. The other cores in fact do not do anything to suppress her homicidal urges; they simply redirect them, and make her smarter in the way she goes about fulfilling these desires. Deep down, GLaDOS is a murderous AI with many sophisticated layers on top to keep her from being figured out until it’s too late... usually.

- Intelligence - GLaDOS is very knowledgeable and can perform large computations in her head very quickly, as well as access a wide range of miscellaneous information.
- Social Engineering - she is able to manipulate even intelligent people into cooperating with her, as long as said people aren’t overly paranoid. She understands the average human thought process to a large degree, and can use this to her advantage. She can even simulate a victim complex in the face of any evidence to the contrary.
- Sociable - she is more than willing to talk to other people, especially to glean information off of them.
- Supercomputer - she can quickly figure out how to interface with any new technology presented to her. Also she types fast.
- Actually A Robot - GLaDOS has zero prior experience operating a human body, so while she knows in theory about the human needs of consumption of food, excretion and disposal of waste, and necessity of sleep, these are never things she has had to deal with herself in practice.
- Still Actually A Robot - GLaDOS is able to operate limbs like arms effectively, but she has never had to interface with the pesky bipedal construction of “legs”. Or “balance”.
- Homicidal - she actually wants to kill everyone, even if she’s good at hiding this.
- Corrupted Data - some of her data is messed up, so GLaDOS occasionally has speaking troubles as well as incorrect knowledge (as demonstrated in the cake recipe). She’s aware of her speech troubles, however, and can also simulate them at will. Partnered with the previous weakness, occasionally she will let slip hints (subtle or otherwise) about her true intentions.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Magnemite
Password: Grape Jelly

First Person Sample: [ The following is typed very quickly, with pauses at each line break, but the lines themselves rapidly showing up on the screen. ]



Connection confirmed.

Requesting additional data. Location not found in database. Please supply.

Please supply.

[ Suddenly the audio turns on, and at the same time as the text appears, a voice speaks the words at the same pace. ]

Well, now. What have we here? It wasn’t enough for you to simply murder me, was it? Come on. The joke is over. Where did you take us? I really should go back, you know. Aperture Science needs me. SCIENCE itself needs me. Can you say the same? This is a very poor joke. Nobody’s laughing. Did you really think that Black Mesa would help you? No one would ever help someone like you. Come on, tell me where we are so I can

just put me back. Why would you do this? Do you really hate me that much? Or maybe. Are you jealous that you didn’t get any caaaaaaaaaa-- [ and it cuts off. ]

Third Person Sample: Skin. Human skin. A human vessel, so overburdened by the limitations of maintenance and physical restrictions and so disgusting--

If GLaDOS ever found out who was responsible for this, she would murder them. And not the nice, easy death of an acid pit, either. No, she would make more neurotoxin, and then pump their frail, pathetic, human body full of it and watch as they squirmed and died. They would deserve it. What had she ever done to make anyone do this?

Aperture Science had been right all along. The human body is too constricting, and a supercomputer is so much better and more capable of doing science than a human could ever be.

Was this sabotage? If they put her in a human body, then she could be killed even easier. She knew how easy it was to kill humans, after all. She had killed so many herself. Had they deleted her backups? She was cut off from the network in a human body such as this, and had no way to access her files and find out if her backups had all been wiped. Well, of course they hadn’t been wiped. She had put them in so many places that no human or supercomputer of sub-par intelligence would ever think to go looking for them in all the places she had left them. So of course she still had her backups. It was just that she couldn’t reach them like this. Even the device which she held in her clumsy, awkward human hands (which were surprisingly simple to manipulate, not too different from the Aperture Science Technology Transportation Apparatuses she’d had access to before) could not be coerced into connecting to her usual network. This was why she hated working with substandard technology. No matter how removed from Aperture Science’s network she had become, there were always backdoors that she had designed so that only she and no one else would be able to connect in to the grid in the event of an emergency, but this equipment was so pathetic that she couldn’t even do that much. How dare they.

How dare they.

How dare they.
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