Treasure Hunt Fourteen! [video/action Goldenrod]

Apr 28, 2011 09:58

[Yuffie's in the lobby of the hotel in Goldenrod and her face is split into a grin.]

So I was kinda wary when I got another random egg outta nowhere. I mean last time it hatched, Creepey popped out and yuck bugs. So if this was another bug whoever is giving us these eggs has a twisted sense of humor and I might hafta kick some ass.

But man oh man. It wasn't a bug at all!

She turns the camera toward her newly hatched Poekee

He's sitting on the floor in front of her, in that position, but opens an eye when it feels the focus on him. Then he jumps up and sends a kick toward his trainers stomach. Yuffie dodges laughingly.]

He's a feisty one. Named him Zen though, 'cause of this meditating ma-bobber he seems to do a lot. Man, he's gonna be such a ninja!

Hopefully in a couple weeks I'll be challenge that lousy crybaby again and kick her to the curb. I have a secret weapon now. Hehehehe

egg hatching!, more poekees that hate yuffe, goldenrod city, video

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