010 // video/action for Cherrygrove (backdated to morning)

Jan 10, 2011 18:09

[ Hello again, Cherrygrove. Quistis went through this place so fast the first time, she barely remembers it, and as the feed comes up, she's looking around the snowy little city with a curious expression. ]

- didn't spend much time here on my way through, to be honest. Now that I look at it, it reminds me a little bit of my hometown, Balamb.

[ The slightly lower timbre of a boy's voice can be heard in the background, though the actual words are inaudible. Quistis smiles ruefully and rolls her eyes a little at the 'Gear. ]

Sure, go ahead. I'll join you shortly; I have a few calls to make. Let Rinoa know I'll be in soon, if you don't mind?

[ And with that, she turns her attention back to the 'Gear completely, smiling. Now that she's facing the camera, she looks a little weary, though not unhealthy. ]

We traveled through the night, last night, and just got in to Cherrygrove. The trip wasn't unpleasant; Ciel makes for an excellent sparring partner - [ a pause ] - though I think I've acquired a grudge against Ghost-types. [ She laughs. ]

At any rate, we're here. I imagine Ciel and Elizabeth will be leaving again nearly immediately, or after a short rest. I have a few people to pick up, so the rest of us will leave whenever we're all ready.

Subaru? How are you feeling? Have you made it to Cherrygrove yet?

And Nanao, you can find me at the inn; I'm not sure when we're leaving, yet, but I thought I'd touch base.

[ private to Leon ]

[ Quistis' expression sombers. ] Leon? I heard Rinoa found you last night. ... I should have warned her about you; I knew she'd make the same mistake I did, but -

[ Here, her brow knits in a mix of confusion and frustration. ]

You were perfectly polite with me when I made the mistake. Why brush Rinoa off like that? Did she say something to offend you, somehow? [ She has to admit it's a possibility. It's Rinoa. ]


[ action ]

[ After her call to Leon, Quistis turns the 'Gear off and walks quickly the rest of the way to the inn. She's excited to see Rinoa again; it's only been six weeks since she'd seen her last, but it seems like ages.

She kicks snow off her boots before she steps inside and heads for the lounge. If she's right, Ciel has already spoken to the girls, and Rinoa will probably be waiting for her. ]

→cherrygrove city, ○video, ☼morning

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