fifth form; video/text/action for Violet City - 20/1

Jan 20, 2011 12:28

Nanao stood by the entrance to Sprout tower, breath steaming in the crisp air. Violet City was certainly more... traditional than Newbark and Cherrygrove in some ways, and so Nanao didn't feel too out of place, dressed as she was in her kimono. She'd been wearing it more than her shihakushou, that was true, but that was mainly because the linen shihakusou was simply not warm enough in this cold climate, whereas the multiple layers of the kimono were more than adequate to deal with the cold.

Sentarou peeked out from between the flaps of her haori, cradled against her trainer's chest, the little tadpole preferring to stay where it was warm, and squeaked, just loudly enough to get Nanao's attention. From where they were, they could see all of Violet City, from the gym, all the way down past the Pokemon Centre and on to the Inn - and it was a captivating view.

"Yes, yes, I know." Nanao could even see the pond where Hitsugaya-taichou had been unceremoniously nearly drowned by his evolving Golduck - and therein lay the problem. For some reason, she could not gather up the courage to walk down the hill, and meet her fellow Shinigami; for what reason, she didn't know, but it was the reason that she had taken up residence in the spartan environ of Sprout Tower, and had avoided all forms of contact for the last two days.

Now, though, it was time to break that fear, and march down there. She took in a deep, steadying breath, and set off.

"Here goes nothing." "Polii!"

// What's a good flying type?

{{please ignore location!fail}}

video fo sho, action, moar pokeymans, violet city, hrrng emotions acting up, text, prose is my speciality

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