Twelfth ☁ :: [Video/Action for Azalea Town]

Jun 17, 2011 16:54

[Good evening, Johto! My, would you look at all that chaos? Looks like you guys need some pony in your lives right about now!

Dash is currently glaring at her Pokegear's screen from her perch on the back of her Rapidash, arms folded over her chest. She has a scowl on her face and a Castform on her head. This is clearly the face of a heroine.]

Geez, I dunno what's gotten into everypony! All these bugs show up and you guys all start dropping like... well, flies. [Dash, that was not funny. This is serious.] And I'm in Azalea... shouldn't that gym leader be helping out or something? He's, like... some kinda bug expert or something, right? Not that any of the people actually from Johto have ever really been helpful... like, ever.

[As she's talking, a Shedinja casually floats up to her, but her Rapidash automatically decimates it with a Fire Blast. It plummets to the ground, and Dash glances at it dispassionately. The Castform on her head bounces and trills happily, like it finds all this quite amusing.] ... Roasted bug, anypony? We've got, like, fifty of 'em, on the house.

[Another pause, and her expression softens a little. She's concerned, though she's not the best at showing it.] If you guys want me to look out for anypony around Azalea, let me know, okay? Nopony's gonna get hurt while I'm watching 'em! ... I'll pick up anybody else I find.

This is so creepy... Not sure which is worse: these guys, or the Parasprites. [A pause, and she nods to herself.] Definitely the Parasprites. [Dash, that's kind of insensitive sssh.]

rapidash, castform, but at least they're not eating everythi, come at me bugs, hero committee, i am a pegasus and what is this

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