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avorelanche December 10 2009, 04:06:44 UTC
[It's still taking time for her to learn the functions of this device, and often Argilla has little choice but to mess with the buttons and commands in order to find out what they do.

So, it's a bit of a surprise, and cause for confusion when she stumbles across the dream recording. At first, Argilla just stares at the plants; she's never seen that much green before...Or really, much in the way of plants at all.

When she realizes who is in the recording, her breath hitches, and her words come out in a whisper.]



usas_aurora December 10 2009, 04:18:14 UTC

... )


avorelanche December 10 2009, 04:35:44 UTC
[She manages to hang onto the Dreamberry, although her hands have suddenly gone shaky.]

"I...I didn't think you-"

[Her breath is also starting to come out a bit more raggedly, and it's taking her some time for this to sink in.]

"You're here? You're alright?"


usas_aurora December 10 2009, 04:48:37 UTC

... )


avorelanche December 10 2009, 04:54:34 UTC
[At the moment, it's hard to say what's more shocking; that Jinana is here, alive, or the fact that Argilla just saw a hint of a smile on her face.]

"You're...Really here, aren't you?"

[She hangs onto the Dreamberry more tightly; it's the only link she has with Jinana right now, after all.]

"I thought you were...I saw you bleeding-"

[She shakes her head.]

"Can I see you?"


usas_aurora December 10 2009, 05:09:16 UTC

... )


avorelanche December 10 2009, 05:20:32 UTC
"I haven't been here long. But, I met up with Cielo and Gale."

[The Dreamberry screen tilts as she says that, showing the interior of the new Embryon base.]

"They showed me where the Tribe is living now. That's where I am."


usas_aurora December 10 2009, 05:26:02 UTC

... )


avorelanche December 10 2009, 05:30:27 UTC
"A...Alright." [She doesn't sound exactly happy with that; finding out that Jinana is here, she wants to take some active steps towards finding her, instead of just sitting and waiting. Then again, she's also a sniper; she has to deal with this sort of thing.]

"I'll wait for you outside; we can meet there."


usas_aurora December 10 2009, 05:38:34 UTC

... )


avorelanche December 10 2009, 05:50:15 UTC
"Understood." [Despite saying that, she doesn't make an attempt to disconnect yet.]

"I'm..." [There's a moment where she fumbles for words. What's happening right now...It still feels a bit too massive and surprising to put into speech.]

"I'm so glad that you're here. That you're okay."


usas_aurora December 10 2009, 05:55:18 UTC

... )


avorelanche December 10 2009, 06:12:53 UTC
[Argilla looks confused at that 'returned' bit, but shrugs it off quickly, in favor of what else Jinana said.]

"I missed you, too. I...Badly wanted to see you again, after the Citadel. And...Everything else that happened."

[She returns Jinana's smile with one of her own, even if it's a bit watery looking.]


usas_aurora December 10 2009, 06:19:08 UTC

... )


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