"A...Alright." [She doesn't sound exactly happy with that; finding out that Jinana is here, she wants to take some active steps towards finding her, instead of just sitting and waiting. Then again, she's also a sniper; she has to deal with this sort of thing.]
"Understood." [Despite saying that, she doesn't make an attempt to disconnect yet.]
"I'm..." [There's a moment where she fumbles for words. What's happening right now...It still feels a bit too massive and surprising to put into speech.]
-=at first she thinks she just imagined the voice, some vestigial thought from the dream=-
-=finally just reaches out for the Dreamberry=-
"I...I didn't think you-"
[Her breath is also starting to come out a bit more raggedly, and it's taking her some time for this to sink in.]
"You're here? You're alright?"
It is you.
-=actually smiles a little=-
I am fine, Argilla. You do not have to worry.
"You're...Really here, aren't you?"
[She hangs onto the Dreamberry more tightly; it's the only link she has with Jinana right now, after all.]
"I thought you were...I saw you bleeding-"
[She shakes her head.]
"Can I see you?"
I was... That is the last memory I have before waking up in this place.
-=nods, any lingering thought on her dream forgotten for the moment=-
Have the others found you? Or have you just arrived?
[The Dreamberry screen tilts as she says that, showing the interior of the new Embryon base.]
"They showed me where the Tribe is living now. That's where I am."
I can come to you. Where I am is not easy to find.
"I'll wait for you outside; we can meet there."
-=gives a small nod=-
I will be there soon.
"I'm..." [There's a moment where she fumbles for words. What's happening right now...It still feels a bit too massive and surprising to put into speech.]
"I'm so glad that you're here. That you're okay."
-=her little smile seems a bit more real=-
I am glad that you have returned here. I have... missed you.
"I missed you, too. I...Badly wanted to see you again, after the Citadel. And...Everything else that happened."
[She returns Jinana's smile with one of her own, even if it's a bit watery looking.]
-=she nods again, and moves to stand=-
I will see you shortly.
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