Wednesday-Friday, September 3-12, 2014

Sep 12, 2014 21:20

Psych | Royal Pains | Suits | White Collar

- (White) Collar Optional. Chapter: 16 of 18. Character(s): Shawn, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, Peter, Neal, with cameos from El, Mozzie, Diana, Jones. Rating: PG-13. Author: blazoningpen. Summary: In New York, Peter and Gus search for what happened to Neal and Shawn. In California, Shawn and Neal escape a little too easily, making them wonder if Ridley has other plans. Crossover with White Collar.
- (White) Collar Optional. Chapter: 17 of 18. Character(s): Shawn, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, Peter, Neal, with cameos from El, Mozzie, Diana, Jones. Rating: PG-13. Author: blazoningpen. Summary: In New York, Peter and Gus search for what happened to Neal and Shawn. In California, Shawn and Neal escape a little too easily, making them wonder if Ridley has other plans. Crossover with White Collar.
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- Ep 6x13 Screencaps courtesy of fandom-forever.
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- Glass Half Full. Pairing(s): Harvey/Mike. Rating: NC-17. Author: mskatej. Summary: The one where they have adjoining hotel rooms and Harvey walks in on Mike while he’s masturbating.
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- Challenge 91 Voting over at whitecollaric.
- Voting extension over at whitecollaric.
- Challenge 91 Results over at whitecollaric.
- Challenge 213 - Quirk over at whitecollar100.
- Challenge 91 Banners over at whitecollaric.
- Challenge 92 - Colour Shot over at whitecollaric.
- Therapy archived on external site CSI Slash. Character(s): Peter, Neal, Dr. Summers, other WC characters. Rating: R. Author: nywcgirl. Summary: AU for WC E04S05.
- (White) Collar Optional. Chapter: 16 of 18. Character(s): Shawn, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, Peter, Neal, with cameos from El, Mozzie, Diana, Jones. Rating: PG-13. Author: blazoningpen. Summary: In New York, Peter and Gus search for what happened to Neal and Shawn. In California, Shawn and Neal escape a little too easily, making them wonder if Ridley has other plans. Crossover with Psych.
- Dog Chow. Character(s): Peter, Neal, El, Mozzie. Rating: R. Author: nywcgirl. Summary: Neal changes in a kitten overnight and is found by Peter. What adventures lay ahead?
- Journey's End. Character(s): Neal. Rating: G. Author: dennih23. Summary: Neal’s sentence is coming to an end.
- Nina. Character(s): Peter, Neal. Rating: R. Author: nywcgirl. Summary: Neal changes in a kitten during an operation and is found by a little girl.
- Cages and Cats. Character(s): Peter, Neal, Elizabeth. Rating: G. Author: slytheringurrl. Summary: Peter finds a cat alone in a building that is about to be burned down and can't help but rescue it.
- Below Your Pay Grade. Character(s): Reese, Peter. Rating: G. Author: elrhiarhodan. Summary: Set during early Season 4, Reese offers to help Peter, but Peter declines his assistance.
- Parkour. Character(s): Neal, Peter. Rating: R. Author: nywcgirl. Summary: Neal transforms into a kitten while chasing a suspect.
- Blade's Edge. Character(s): Neal, Peter. Rating: G. Author: dennih23. Summary: Another case goes wrong.
- (White) Collar Optional. Chapter: 17 of 18. Character(s): Shawn, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, Peter, Neal, with cameos from El, Mozzie, Diana, Jones. Rating: PG-13. Author: blazoningpen. Summary: In New York, Peter and Gus search for what happened to Neal and Shawn. In California, Shawn and Neal escape a little too easily, making them wonder if Ridley has other plans. Crossover with Psych.
- These Boots Are Made for Wadin'. Character(s): Neal, Peter. Rating: PG. Author: treonb. Summary: Gone Fishing.
- Saturday Night Fever. Pairing(s): PGNeal/Peter/Elizabeth. Rating: PG. Author: angelita26. Summary: While Peter and El use Neal's reservations at a fancy new restaurant, he stays home to try and nurse himself back to health from a nasty flu bug.
- Community Re-Watch Poll over at wcwu.
- White Collar H/C Advent: Sign-Ups Now Open! over at whitecollarhc.
- Announcement on new season over at whitecollar-tv.
- Neal holding a statue of liberty torch over at daily-neal.
- Peter looking very upset over at timdekay-daily.
- Tim in the 1996 movie The Ring over at timdekay-daily.
- Neal from an S2 Deleted Scene looking pleased with himself over at daily-neal.
- Neal, Mozzie, and Peter walking down the street in Season 2 over at daily-wc.
- Neal looking concerned over at daily-neal.
- Diana looking to the side over at daily-wc.
- Tim in Carnivale over at timdekay-daily.
- Neal looking off to the side while on a plane over at daily-neal.
- Alex Hunter talking animatedly over at daily-wc.
- Peter and Neal looking down at a phone with Neal in sexy glasses over at daily-neal.
- Elizabeth talking on her phone over at daily-wc.
- Neal on a cell phone, smiling and hailing something over at daily-neal.
- Sara smiling coyly over at daily-wc.
- Neal looking annoyed and having a red stained(bloody?) kerchief handed to him over at daily-neal.
- Sara talking to Neal over at daily-wc.
- Peter tilting his head to the side and looking with a smirk over at timdekay-daily.
- Neal with a security guard looking up over at daily-neal.
- Peter smirking and looking up at things over at timdekay-daily.
- Elizabeth looking frazzled and in a red dress over at daily-wc.
- Tim in Carnivale wearing a hat and glaring over at timdekay-daily.
- Matt with Sara Ellis actress on gag reel over at daily-neal.
- Peter looking over at Neal with arms crossed on a table over at daily-wc.
- Neal laughing as he looks at a folder with Lauren and Jones over at daily-neal.
- Neal and Sara with Peter holding his jacket over shoulder over at daily-wc.
- Tim in a foursoome over at timdekay-daily.
- Neal & Peter humor vid. Character(s): Neal, Peter. Clips: through 5x08. Author: noiproksa. Summary: Humor vid featuring stalker!Peter and cat(burglar) aka kitty!Neal; and containing their constant invasion of each other's personal space, non-verbal communication cues, and much more.
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Did I miss something, or is your community not included? Comment here and I'll add it! :)

suits, psych, royal pains, white collar

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