I'm back!

Jul 05, 2011 22:16

So my trip to Las Vegas was pretty fun.

We left Saturday at 4 in the morning and drove for six-ish hours, fighting traffic in Vegas until finally arriving at the Monte Carlo hotel at around 12. We checked in, then my siblings and I crashed in our room and took a nap for a while. Had a late lunch, freshened up a bit, slept a little longer, and then it was time for dinner. Heh. We went to a buffet down in the hotel and the food was pretty good. After dinner, my siblings and I went to the theater at the Monte Carlo to watch a dance crew called Jabbawockeez perform their show (honestly, it was the whole reason we went on the trip, lol). Man, it was pretty awesome! And after the show, the four of us headed back up to our room (staying at the same hotel where the Jabbawockeez were performing was very convenient, heehee) and went to bed.

Woke up Sunday morning to go to church, and after church we had lunch at a Filipino restaurant. Went back to the hotel room, hung around a little bit, and then we went to meet with one of my aunts and headed across the street from the Monte Carlo to the Gameworks and had fun playing the games there. We won a lot of tickets, but we mostly used the tickets to buy useless little things like toy rockets, haha. Anyway, after Gameworks we went next door the bit M&M store....I had no idea there was so much M&M merchandise, let alone four floors worth of stuff! It was crazy! So of course, we had to check out every floor, heh. I was tempted to buy some stuff, but in the end I only ended up buying some peanut butter M&Ms (my favorite kind, yummy!).

After that, I doubled back to the Gameworks and bought a Shadow the Hedgehog pillow (yes), then we split from my aunt and headed back to the hotel room, where we hung around until dinner, which we had at a Pup down in the Monte Carlo. There, another aunt and my dad proceeded to try and get my two sisters and me drunk on some sweet fruity beer (yes, it was sweet and fruit, which was weird but made it taste a lot better, and yes, my sisters and I are 21 and over). We even got these weird boot souvenir glasses (why boots, I'll never know). My sisters and I didn't really finish the beer (there was way too much of it), but we got to keep the boots (and my poor drunk-at-the-time mother kept trying to figure out whether the boots were left or right, and got upset when she finally figured out they were all right-footed). We also had a pretty cool waiter, who joked around with us a lot and was just all around awesome. After dinner, my siblings and I headed back up and went to bed.

Yesterday morning we woke up a little earlier so we could take the tram to the Bellagio so we could check out the indoor garden there. It was so cool, and there was also this patisserie with chocolate flowing down like waterfalls. It was pretty cool. Then we went across the street from the Bellagio to the Sweet Factory where I bought a frozen hot chocolate (yes...a frozen hot chocolate) before heading back to the Monte Carlo to check out. We piled into the car and dropped by the Four Kegs Pub for lunch....mostly because the Four Kegs was one of the restaurants featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives hahaha. Yeah...my brother, sisters and I were so excited, and our server guessed that was the reason we were there too...we're kind of dorks. Anyway, we had a good lunch, then spent the rest of the day driving back home where we promptly crashed.

So now I'm back, and though I'm a little disappointed I didn't get any writing done as I had hoped, I did get an idea or two for new fics...all focused on Crane from Kung Fu Panda. I have no idea how Crane managed to sneak his way into the spot of my favorite characters, but he's up there now with Shifu and Mr. Ping, and I just freakin' love him so much. It doesn't help that the Jabbawockeez show featured a janitor as a reoccurring character, and it gave me an idea for a chapter story with Crane. But I'll have to hold off on that one for a bit while I do some extra research on something. In the meantime, I did get a different idea for a oneshot.

I was thinking of doing a story that looks at what might have been going through Crane's mind while he was taking the others back to the Jade Palace after their encounter with Tai Lung. I'm mostly curious about how he must have felt; hurt and exhausted, carrying the others' paralyzed bodies and yet being alone. I especially want to try this one out because, though on the official site it describes Viper as the mother hen of the Furious Five, on other sites it states that Crane is the mother hen of all of them. And to be the one most concerned about the welfare of himself and others, and to be the one having to deal with something like that would have to be so difficult to deal with. Not to mention it also means that Crane would've been left alone with Tai Lung even for just a while. So I wanted to try and get into his head and experiment with how he felt about all of that.

But if I'm going to write this story, I might have to watch Kung Fu Panda and Secrets of the Furious Five again to get myself in a better writing mood. Ah, the research I have to do in order to write...heehee...

ideas, kung fu panda, writing, holiday, real life

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