Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Pairing: Sonic/Amy
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: K to T (G to PG-13)
Disclaimers: Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega
Warnings: some suggestive themes; some slight angst; fluffy and probably cliched sap; sufficient lack of name-use and proper punctuation; possible spoilers with a slight chance of OOCness
Author's note: This is my first time posting something like this, so I hope they're all right. I try not to use the names for some reason, since the themes are supposed to focus on the particular pairing, but I apologize if that makes the sentences confusing. The themes kind of jump around within the Sonic continuity and are mostly independent of each other. However, some of the themes reference something specific, such as one of the Sonic games or something from the Sonic X anime. If that's the case, I put a note by the theme in the off-chance someone would like to look it up. But hopefully, the sentences still make sense without them.
#1 - ring
She was used to collecting golden rings, so they were usually nothing special to her; still, she couldn’t help but squeal over the simple gold band he presented her.
#2 - hero
‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ was such a famous name nowadays, and everyone knew how he often saved the world; still, not many people knew that much about him, and she felt special being one of the few who did.
#3 - memory
Whenever she looked back on her life, she would always see him; saving her, protecting her, helping her…he was always there when she needed him.
#4 - box
His greatest fear was being trapped; he loved his freedom, and he didn’t think he could give it up for anything…or anyone.
#5 - run
Watching the world blur together as he sped through it, he found it a strange comfort - it helped ease his mind whenever he thought too much about her.
#6 - hurricane
She watched as he quickly stormed through Eggman’s robot army, destroying every machine in his wake.
#7 - wings
People often told her that the only way she would ever catch him was if she could fly; she would always answer that she would learn how to if it meant being with him.
#8 - cold (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
“Here, I brought this for you,” she said as she placed the book amidst the mess of tissues, “since you’re supposed to be resting, and I know you’ll get bored.”
#9 - red (Sonic Riders)
After he thought about it, though, he realized that she had every right to be angry - after all, he had risked her life and could have gotten her killed.
#10 - drink
Lifting his glass, he gently toasted to her; he wasn’t much for champagne, but it was her birthday after all, and a little wouldn’t kill him.
#11 - midnight
He arrived rather late that night in Station Square, but he knew she wouldn’t mind if he dropped by her apartment.
#12 - temptation
It wasn’t like he never thought about it - he was fifteen, after all - but he felt she was still too young for that.
#13 - view (Sonic Adventure 2)
Normally seeing the bright blue planet from space would be breathtaking; now, all she could see was the plummeting capsule exploding in the atmosphere.
#14 - music
He wasn’t sure about it at first, but eventually he didn’t mind letting her listen to him play the guitar.
#15 - silk
Her quills were much softer and smoother than his, and he liked to run his fingers through them when she was asleep.
#16 - cover
Placing the blanket over his body, she smiled and marveled at how he looked like a little boy when he slept.
#17 - promise
“Don’t worry, Amy,” he said with a wink, “I’ll always protect you.”
#18 - dream
She always imagined a small, simple wedding with their closest friends…on the beach, if she could convince him of it.
#19 - candle
He glanced up from the cake, watching as the dim light from the tiny fire danced across her face, and was surprised when he couldn’t think of a wish to make.
#20 - talent
There were so many times she tried to stay angry with him, but a simple flash of his smile was all it took to weaken her resolve until she forgave him.
#21 - silence
He disappeared in a thundering boom, but the echoing quiet was more deafening now that she was alone.
#22 - journey
He had been on so many adventures, seen so many things, and done more than most did in their entire lifetime, but it never seemed to be enough; something seemed to be missing, but he could never figure out what.
#23 - fire
She had seen that look before - that intense spark in his eyes when he grew excited - but this was the first time she saw it directed at her.
#24 - strength
He never really thought about it before, but she must have a lot of courage to continue loving him after everything he’s put her through.
#25 - mask (Sonic X, ep. 42)
She pretended she was fine, and that the date didn’t matter…but it really did hurt that he never showed.
#26 - ice
He wrapped his arms around her shivering form, gently pulling her closer to keep her warm.
#27 - fall (Sonic X, ep. 76)
His eyes widened when her ship exploded and the shockwaves sent her plunging into the aqueous planet; catching her limp body, he prayed for her to open her eyes as they descended further into the planet’s core.
#28 - forgotten
Her greatest fear was being left behind; that one day he would just walk away, and live his life as though she never existed.
#29 - dance
He was more of the break-dancer type, but if he could hold her close like this, then he supposed slow dancing wasn’t so bad.
#30 - body (Sonic Adventure)
At first he didn’t recognize her, and when he did he was shocked; he knew it was years since they last saw each other, but when had she…grown?
#31 - sacred (Sonic X, ep. 09)
They were just shells, but she made it just for him and worked so hard on it…and for a moment, he thought that perhaps it was a special charm after all.
#32 - farewells (Sonic CD)
She barely had time to thank him for saving her from Eggman and Metal Sonic before he left, but she had a feeling they would meet again someday.
#33 - world
He had traveled throughout the entire planet and didn’t like going to where he’s already been, but she was one of the few reasons he kept coming back.
#34 - formal (Sonic and the Black Knight)
Caliburn said it was customary to bow before the Lady of the Water, but it was weird because she looked just like Amy, and Amy would never ask him to do that.
#35 - fever
Her heart beat so much faster whenever she saw him, flooding her body with a rush of warmth and forcing it to move on its own.
#36 - laugh
He always knew how to get a giggle out of her when she was upset…even if he was the reason she was upset in the first place.
#37 - lies (Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood)
He tried to convince himself that it didn’t matter if she had a boyfriend or not, but he couldn’t explain the immense relief he felt when she admitted that Dexter wasn’t real.
#38 - forever
So many people told her to just give up and let it go, but she wouldn’t; no matter what happened, she would always love him.
#39 - overwhelmed (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)
Sinking to her knees, she buried her face in her hands as her sobs echoed through the empty space around them; this was impossible, he just couldn’t be dead!
#40 - whisper
He spoke the words so softly, but before she could ask what he meant he was gone again.
#41 - wait
He normally wasn’t a patient person, but he didn’t mind hanging back a bit to let her catch up.
#42 - talk
She couldn’t help but smile as he rambled (it was rare to see him so nervous, but it was so cute), and she gently interrupted, “I don’t care what we do, Sonic, as long as we do something.”
#43 - search (Sonic Heroes)
They had their own reasons for helping her look for her hero - Cream for Cheese’s brother, Chocola; Big for Froggy - but with their help, she knew they’d find him.
#44 - hope
So maybe he didn’t feel that way about her now, but she was sure that, someday, he would start seeing her as more than just a friend.
#45 - eclipse
She tried so hard to get his attention, but it seemed that there were so many other things more important to him than she was.
#46 - gravity
He wasn’t sure why he was so drawn to her, but it was such a strong force that sometimes it was so hard to resist.
#47 - highway (Sonic X, ep. 52)
Her feet pounded against the pavement as she ran as fast as she could down the familiar road; it was him, it just had to be, and he was heading straight for her house.
#48 - unknown (Sonic Unleashed)
He watched her run off, and he had to wonder if he really looked so different that she couldn’t recognize him.
#49 - lock
He gently took her hand in his, and smiled as their fingers automatically intertwined.
#50 - breathe
Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers; her intoxicating presence filled his senses, leaving him dizzy and hungry for more.