
Nov 21, 2009 21:54

I think the people at 4kids read fanfiction.

I mean, why else would they refer to the Pharaoh in Yu-Gi-Oh as Yami? The term 'Yami' was never used in either the manga or the show. It was only used as a name by the fans, and most popularly used in fanfiction. When 4kids dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh and called him Yami, they must have read something online, because I guess they didn't want to keep having Yugi calling him, "The Other Me" all the time.

And how else, other than fanfiction, would 4kids ever decide to make a movie where the 1980's Ninja Turtles crossover to the 2003 Ninja Turtles universe and meet the 2003 Ninja Turtles?


Yes, I am not kidding. 4kids made a movie where the 1980's Ninja Turtles cartoon and the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon actually crossed-over, the two very different group of turtles actually met and worked together to stop the Shredder.

How was this a good idea?

Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of both versions of the Ninja Turtles. I grew up with the 1980's version, and I loved watching it as a kid. And the 2003 Ninja Turtles was just awesome. Donatello was my favorite turtle in both versions. But these are two very different cartoons, and mixing them together is just...UGH!

Oh, but what's that? There's not enough turtles, you say? You want 4kids to completely mess with some more? Okay then! Let's add the Ninja Tutles from the comics as well!

*head thump*

Seriously? You want to try going there, 4kids? You're actually going to take the Ninja Turtles from the original comics and put them into one of your shows?

Who came up with this?!

Truthfully, though, I only caught the last half-hour or so of this movie thing. So I can't actually say it was bad unless I've seen the entire thing. But not to worry folks! I'm sure to catch it sometime, as 4kids will be playing it every Saturday for the next 3 weeks!

*bangs head against wall*

Bleh. Enough out of me. This was just a big rant, dealing with my reaction to the new 4kids tv/movie special. Because when I was watching that last half-hour of it, I was seriously freaked out. But I'll try to catch the entire thing so I can judge and dislike it fairly. Let's hope my sanity survives the madness...


rant, tmnt

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