What is even.

Jul 31, 2012 23:54

So, Power Rangers.

Apparently, it's one of those "give it an inch, it takes a mile" kind of things. I came up with the fic idea where Cam and Mia are cousins, right? One story...or rather, series of stories, but centered around one main idea. Now, my brain wants to come up with more Power Rangers ideas.

And it'd be fine if the ideas stayed within one season, either Ninja Storm or Samurai (though to be honest, I did have a teensy idea that takes place after an episode of Super Samurai). But nooooo. It has to be for a series I haven't seen, for characters I vaguely know.

I'll be honest; I stopped watching Power Rangers after Kimberly Hart, the original Pink Ranger, left the show. She was my favorite, so I was sad to see her go and stopped following Power Rangers. So I never saw Turbo, or In Space, or anything following that until recently (I'm going to somehow have to find ways to watch all the Power Rangers seasons post-MMPR). But thanks to Linkara's "History of Power Rangers" videos, I've gotten a good grasp of some things...and, because Linkara's videos are very opinion-based, I also know some of the ship-teasing that goes on from season to season.

After watching Linkara's HoPR videos, I started shipping Phantom Ranger/Cassie. Nothing big, just shipping it. But today, for some reason as I'm trying to think of other ideas to go into my Cam-Mia family series, I randomly started thinking about the identity of the Phantom Ranger. It's never stated in the series. So who are we supposed to think it is? There's a lot of fan speculation and theories about the Phantom Ranger. But then a certain idea popped into my head.

What if the Phantom Ranger was Billy, the original Blue Ranger?

It could happen. I mean, when Billy left he went to space. It's not out of the realm of possibility that he could've come across Ranger Powers somehow. And, playing around with that idea, I started kind of liking the idea for Billy/Cassie. Canon-wise, they're pretty close in age, so it could work.

But it's weird, isn't it? I mean, there's no way that could happen, right? When I first thought of it, I thought it was crazy.

Later, though, I was on the Power Rangers wiki, The Morphin Grid, looking up the Phantom Ranger's history to see if the idea was possible time-wise (because let's be honest - just because an idea is crazy, it doesn't mean I'm not going to do it...haha). And while on the wiki page for the Phantom Ranger, I came across this:

"Judd Lynn's original intention for the character was that he was to be the first success in a failed experiment (that somehow included Ecliptor as the first error) which would've given birth to the "Phantom Ranger Powers". As the first "man made" Ranger his powers would've been limited (as a way of explaining his limited appearances), but a plot concerning the capture of the Turbo Rangers would've revealed his identity as Billy Cranston."

Mind = blown.

So along with the idea that Cam and Mia are cousins, it is now in my head-canon that Billy was always the Phantom Ranger, and after Zordon's death he returned to Earth where he and Cassie fell in love. The end.

Seriously...weird. But I love it.

ideas, power rangers, headcanon, shipping

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