I was too tired last night and my three-day roomie was urging me to go to bed, so today you get two prompts in one! And the last 4 fan cards in my set of 10 total.
For Day 25, Norway. Day 26, Spain.
Norway partially because of many peoples' headcanon involving him having a thing for heavy metal/death metal (and the rest of the Nordics for that matter).... but then again I wouldn't be caught dead in a death metal band. >.>; Spain, well, he's the only one that came to mind for this prompt really. ^^;
And now the cards. Let's hope the cuts will actually WORK for me today!
Ahhh he looks so derpy. D: but it's still cute anyway.
The next one I sort of got lazy with.... >.>; France
Yeah, I didn't have the time or energy by the time I got around to doing France's card - and I thought it'd buy me time to come up with ideas for my England card, which I didn't end up doing until yesterday...
Speaking of which, here's Iggy.
For his clothes and hair I tried a papercraft effect, only to end up with a sort of mosaic-like thing instead. ^^; but oh well, I still like how it turned out - and the little Zelda-style sprite-fairy things.
And last, but probably my favorite...
If I had access to my World Flags poster in my room when I made this last night, I would've added Poland's flag too. TAT I know the colors, just not the order. But otherwise I lovelovelove how this one turned out, and I think it was the hardest one for me to let go of. D: I'm pretty much hoping and praying that these get to their destination in time - note to self: never do anything that involves snail mail this last-minute ever again unless you can afford the Express Delivery. And I am extremely grateful to my mom that she's willing to pay the Express/overnight fee to send it out tomorrow. <3
And that's it. :3 Off to post these on the main comm.