Jun 04, 2009 19:08
Not to LJ - well, not permanently anyway. But my grandparents and I are leaving for Japan tomorrow morning, so I thought I'd post up here first...
Yet, for some reason, I can't shake this feeling that something bad might happen to us, but it keeps coming and going. It's like I'm in this fear/apprehension mode, then I get hyped up/excited and start to look forward to the trip again. But the fear keeps coming back, especially with the recent incident with that Air France flight. Though I had this type of thing going on just before I went to Colorado too, and that trip turned out wonderfully, with not even so much as getting a scratch on either of us (once again, my traveling companions were my grandparents). And then when Mom put me behind the wheel as mentioned in one of my previous entries, I had half a mind to write out my will right then and there I was so scared I'd crash and kill us. But both times, things came out alright. So I just keep telling myself that, keep praying for our safety, keep hoping/praying I'll come out of that plane alive.
I sound silly, don't I? XD; (main reason for me picking the icon I did) So is there anything else to say here before I leave for a month...? Not sure. But hopefully I'll find a way to at the very least check in when we arrive in Tokyo - if there's computer/internet access in the hotel and I'm not about to fall over from jet lag. And of course there will be pictures when I come back. >:3
But until my next post, good-byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye~!
(sorry, couldn't help it... but hey, this post brought me back to my joyful/happy/omgicantwaituntiltomorrow mode in the end. ^^)