Nov 30, 2009 14:01
So I decided to try this whole Craigslist thing, to try and find a place to live. And it's kinda neat. But I'm soooo lost as to what to even look for. Booooooo. I'm looking into sharing a house with someone, because getting an apartment on my own is kind of out of the question. I don't make THAT much money. :[ Sad day.
Regardless. Finally moving into a place of my own is going to be WONDERFUL. No joke. It's just finding a place that sucks. Kinda hardcore. There are a lot of places that I would love to look at, but I don't know the first thing about trying to move. .... /fail. So, I guess, until Dad gets home, I just... keep looking. :D Then we can see what he says. Mom'll just give me another scornful look. She's good at those. Yet she's the one pushing to kick me out. Go figure, right? Well, whatev's.
Uhhh.. Let's see. Craigslist is kinda funny. You can go on there like it's a dating site. How awkward. o_o Men seeking women. Women seeking men. ...Men seeking men who sought women. ..WTF is that about? I don't understand. oh well. I guess some things are to remain a mystery. Like men. In general. :] Oh. That's probably how Craigslist got started. DUN DUN DUN.
I really have nothing of interest to say. I'm just bored. So I'm gonna start typing. Maybe I should start another story. ...Maybe I should see if I can find my OLD story. OOOOOOOOO. The possibilities. ..But. Nah. I'm content to just sit here. And write idle dribble in an attempt to pass the time until 7. Blah blah blah. Yep. That's all I've got. ...Back to Craigs. :D