What a day..

Aug 06, 2006 23:27

Ugh. This day.. Well. I don't really even know what to say. I mean, it went from alright, to bad, to worse, to good. I suppose we'll start from the beginning.

I woke up this morning at about 20 minutes to noon. This was good; I haven't slept that late, quite literally, all summer, and it felt really, really nice. So, after waking up, I simply went downstairs and watched television for a little while. Mom came in, and we discussed some dates for what's going on this winter; she told me I should buy a plane ticket within the next two to three weeks. x_X; We'll see. That's really soon. Anyway, about 2:30ish, I had to go into work. So, I did.

Work.. sucked. I only worked six hours, from 3 until 9, but it took. Forever. I really never thought that I would get out of there. One lady... She beat the record of the other. All I can say is $3,529.81. That's how much she spent. On CLOTHES. I seriously thought she was buying out the entire store. Holy. Shit. I had to call for additional cashiers three times, and it took me half an hour to ring every item up. There were WELL over 100 items there. The receipt? ...Good LORD. It was about four feet long. x_X; Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. Still, though.. That one customer just took forever. Then there were the ladies who saw fit to yell at me. Alright. Lady number one. She came through my line THREE TIMES. Three SEPARATE times. Once at around 3:40ish, just a little while after I started working. She had about seven pillows to buy, and so of course, I just started ringing them up. ...Apparently, I wasn't fast enough for her, so she took them from me and began to do them by herself. And when I started to bag them, she snapped at me, and just told me to give her the bags, and she'd do them herself. Well, I got done with her, and then went on to the other people. She came back about two and a half hours later, but this time, she wanted to return some of the pillows. Our registers can't do returns. You have to go over to customer service for that, and I told her so. I was working in the Kids Zone today, and Customer Service is, quite literally, around a corner and straight back. I told her exactly that, and again, she got mad. She didn't want to have to "Walk all that way and stand in line AGAIN just to make one simple return." There really wasn't anything I could do; just to prove that to her, I talked to one of my managers who was at a register near me, and she said the same thing. Well, this lady went back to customer service, but not before threatening to make a complaint against me. Ugh. She came back once more near closing time, and this time, I just let her do what she wanted. I mean, there's nothing more I really could do; all she was doing was ringing and bagging the stuff up. Hey, if she wants to do my job for me, let her. But don't yell at me and say I'm not doing a good enough job.

The other woman I had did much the same thing. She only came through once, but she was furious with me for not moving fast enough. I mean, what can I do? I can't move at the speed of light, and when the computer says one thing, but the sign on the merchandise says something else, OF COURSE it's going to take awhile for me to get things straightened out. If you don't like that, then don't tell me what the signs say. Simply go with how the computer has it marked. EVERYTHING is on sale as it is. Bleeeh. Whatever.

So the store closed at 8, and then we had to stick around later than that to clean up after everything, and that in and of itself takes awhile. Shoes is ALWAYS a mess. People come and go, and try things on and leave shoes and the stuffing EVERYWHERE, so cleaning that zone takes an hour, an hour and a half, and that's on a good day. Luckily, seeing as I was only scheduled until 9, I was allowed to leave after cleaning for about an hour. But, during that hour, my friend Audrey and I were just talking and cleaning, because it doesn't take THAT much effort and focus to put the shoes back in boxes, and put the boxes onto the shelves. But, apparently, one of my other managers didn't like this. She remarked, loudly, to some other employee about how Audrey and I apparently didn't want to do any work; all we wanted to do was stand around and talk. After THIS comment, she came over and yelled at US, separated us, and made us get back to work. ...How annoying. I was seriously about ready to start crying as I left work.

SO. As if THAT wasn't enough. Then I got home, and went to take a shower. Well, the first thing I do is take off my class ring, because it's a bit big, even for my middle finger which is where I wear it, but too small for my thumb, and knowing that if it gets wet, it will slide off easily. So, I went to take that off. ...Only, my ring wasn't on my finger. I panicked. I've had that ring since Sophomore year of high school. Yes, there's a life time warranty on it, but that's only if it breaks or is damaged in some way; not if you lose it. I tore my room COMPLETELY apart trying to find the ring, and couldn't find it. I actually went out into my car to look, wondering if it had fallen off when I was driving or something. The good news is, I did eventually find it, but, at the time, it just added to the day I'd been having.

Probably the highlights of the day came on break, talking to my friend Kyle for a half an hour while folding towels, because the store was just about closed and no one was there, and then talking to Will when I got home.

But, yep. That was my day.

And now, the quote of the day: "Did you know, that eating ice cream is eating your vegetables? Think about it. Vanilla ice cream comes from vanilla beans. Chocolate ice cream comes from cocoa beans. Beans are vegetables. Therefore, ice cream is a vegetable." Well, if that's true, I've been eating my veggies for YEARS. :D
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