Sherlock (Johnlock/Omegaverse) Plotbunny inspired by the awesome story "Secrets and Revelations"

Jun 29, 2013 17:16

Since I am quite busy with other stories I thought I try to find a home for my plotbunny here and hope I do everything right since it's my first time doing this. I am rather desperate I admit and I really would like to get it out of my mind. There are also a lot of details that I would really like to see taken care of, therefore it's a bit of a longer description and I hope you can bear with me. It's Johnlock and set in the Omegaverse. My prompt is also inspired heavily by the story "Secrets and Revelations" written by Hisstah which you can find here:
And just to make it clear what my intention of pointing out this great fanfiction is: I don't want a copy or slightly different story from this one! The part that inspired me into this plotbunny is the way John as an Omega holds his own, how he fights and refuses to give in. I was hoping for a story what has a John who fights like he does in "Secrets and Revelations" and to get an idea of what I mean I would recomand you simply read the story and get a taste, that is all.

Britain and other countries are very much under control of Alphas who decided that Omegas for their special abilities are supposed to be protected from assault as much as possible. When an Omega goes through the first heat and is revealed, they are to be taken to special facilities where no Alpha can enter without special permission. Omegas can meet Alphas (maybe by written applications or supervised celebration balls). They are allowed supervised dates until they decide who to take as their bondmate, then they leave the facility to live with their bonded. At the same time when Alphas are revealed, they are to be raised in special facilities as well to learn how to treat Omegas. At the beginning of it all Omegas are barely allowed to take something against heat or protection for getting pregnant, and it's already frowned upon by Alpha government.

John is an Omega who had his first heat very late, when he was already in the army (and thought to be a Beta). When it happened he was either alone or a close friend (Beta) witnessed. John did not want to quiet what he did and end up in an Omega facility, therefore he (or his friend) organised heat suppressants and pregnancy protection which ensured John could continue living as a Beta.

When John returns to London and meets Sherlock, he learns from Stamford that laws have changed very much while he was overseas. Omegas are more or less forced to the facilities and instead of allowed to take all the time the need to find a bondmate Alphas decided it would be in the Omegas best interest to choose for them. Omegas are seen as weak, unintelligent and things to be taken care of. There are of course free Omegas out there who are hidden with the help of suppressants they acquire on the black market. Also there is unhappiness about the government in general, even the Betas see the unfairness of it all and a storm is brewing. Stamford is part of a resistance that helps Omegas and John joins soon, not revealing he is an Omega himself.

Sherlock and Mycroft are both Alphas, but while Mycroft went into the residential school for Alphas (thought not to be brainwashed but to learn all he can about how the government is working), Sherlock realises the manipulation already when he is a child and ensures he would never be revealed as Alpha himself (he studied the behaviour of Mycroft and other teenagers who turned out Alphas, shortly before they are revealed, and noticed they become more arrogant, show offs, territorial, develop sharper senses and act overconfident.) Mycroft is already working in the government, not living home when Sherlock realises he shows signs to become an Alpha. At first he takes the same suppressants as Omegas do, to be regarded as Beta, even though they are not meant to be taken by Alphas (because no Alpha ever considered to hide what they are, they is simply no suppressants meant for Alphas). Then he starts to experiment on himself until he develops a suppressant perfect for an Alpha. Sherlock continues to live his life as Beta.

Sherlock and John met and have their adventures as in the canon (this story can be before or after Reichenbach though). While living together of course Sherlock realises John is working with the resistance and ends up supporting them himself by casually leaving notes to John predicting police movements, suggesting where to get illegal suppressants or where to take Omegas that have to be smuggled out of the country.

Meanwhile the government successfully infiltrated the black marked by altering one of the ingredients which turn out to be part in both the Omegas’ and Sherlock’s suppressants. The effects wear off when they start taking the manipulated pills, though since Sherlock’s senses only develop slowly and John of course does not immediately go into heat, they don’t notice.

The truth of the government’s actions comes out when John, Sherlock and Lestrade are out in the public (train station, airport) for a case and witness unbounded Alphas going around and catching random people who turn out to be Omegas. They meet Mycroft who as an unbound Alpha has been ordered to the hunt for Omegas as well (because only unbounded Alphas are already sensitive to the smells of an unbound Omega just coming of the suppressants before the Omegas themselves might get aware of it). Mycroft was only informed of the manipulated ingredients currently,  and realises just now that his younger brother seems to have been an Alpha all this time. (By the way from this point on Greg Lestrade can be, but doesn’t have to, a Omega that hid himself as well and you can add this as a bonus Mycroft/Greg action, but this doesn’t have to be). John is then either revealed to be an Omega as well, or he simply tells them threatening Mycroft to not stop him because he would rather die than go with the Alphas. He decides to trick the approaching Alphas to free the other captured Omegas and flee with them. Sherlock declares he joins them. If Greg is an Omega as well he is going with them, otherwise he and Mycroft remain behind promising to be the spys they need to keep their hunters at bay.

Sherlock and John take the Omagas to a hidden country house outside of London but decided to return and actively start to fight, disrupting as many Omega hunts as they can, taking the Omegas with them, providing the illegal suppressants, after Sherlock ensures all ingredients are right this time. The public witnesses their fights and openly supports them while Mycroft is secretly gathering all the Alphas that have never been successfully brainwashed and agree that Omegas are not supposed to be suppressed but be allowed to be free, to start their overthrowing of the current government. During their fights, Sherlock and John get to admit to their feelings for each other and when it is mentioned that as already being head figures to the public what a blow it would be for the government if an Omega binds to an Alpha of his choosing instead of being forced, John stops taking the suppressants and agrees to bond to Sherlock.

In this story John is NOT supposed to become pregnant (he still takes those protections and they work properly) because personally I cannot see them as parents with the personality they have. When all is said and done, and they are able to return to their original life John and Sherlock should return to do the consulting detective’s work and their dangerous lifestyle.

prompt, slash, fanfiction, plotbunny, omegaverse, storyidea, johnlock, bbc sherlock

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