An art challenge for the Prowl/Jazz artists

Oct 22, 2011 23:35

Edit: 01.12.11
Well, I am sadly a bit behind but the deadline of the challenge has arrived and therefore the first part is offically over. HOWEVER, since I only have three entries and received requests for an extension I decided to go through with that, because I have nothing to lose. THE EXTENSION OF THE PxJ CALENDAR CHALLENGE WILL BE UNTIL 16.12. 9.00 PM, again Central European Time, therefore this might be 15.12. for a lot of you. PLEASE ALSO NOTICE that if the sponsor does not decided otherwise, the prizes for the deviantart premium will no longer be part of the challenge. This was supposed to be an offer for those who would be able to hand in their entries within the original deadline. So as it stands the current prizes will be a pdf-file of the calendar and for the first winner a calendar printed out and bound in DIN A4.  Here I am also inclinded to mention that since now the deadline is so late within the month and I still have to create the calendar after the end of the challenge chance is that the calendar sent per mail will not arrive in time, depending on how quick the mail overseas is.

EDIT: 06.11.11
I just realised that the part of the rules about the text excerpts can be missleading, therefore I changed it slightly.

Attention, the challenge received some new prizes from an anonymos sponsor, though those new prizes are only interesting for those who have an account on deviantart. So, sorry for anyone who is not a member of that page. The other prizes stay the same though, so you don't have to worry. Please check out the prizes again to make sure you know what is being offered.

Well, I decided to give the idea I had some weeks ago a try. Whoever reads this and knows some great artists please spread the word, while those of you who are artists yourself, please consider and give it a try. This challenge can really only take place if at least 13 fanarts are entered to the contest.

P/J Calendar 2012 challenge

Okay, usually every year I buy a calendar based on a comic series I like. Usually it’s a favourite Anime/Manga, but for next year, I decided since I am in a rather deep and serious mood for Transformers, Jazz/Prowl especially, I would really like to have a nice calendar based on my favourite Transformers couple. Since I am really not good with art, not to mention drawing Transformers especially, but I just KNOW there are some really great artists out there, I would like to try and create a challenge for you fellow Jazz/Prowl fans.

The rules are as follows:
1. Since I am not sure how many are willing to enter the challenge and I need at least 13 fanarts for the calendar, you can enter with as many entries as you like. There need to be at least 13 entries or the challenge will lose its full purpose and therefore lose the reason for being created in first place.

2. The main characters/couple should be Jazz/Prowl of course. There can be other bots/cons in it too, if you feel like it, but the focus should be Jazz/Prowl.

3. Because I am choosing and judging the fanarts for what I would like to see in my calendar, I warn you that I am not a big fan of TFA, however I do not wish to restrict you. I have a really small collection of TFA fanart, just know that you need to be very confident in your artwork if it is TFA. Also, I am aware that a Bayverse Prowl does not exist, since sadly he did not make his appearance in the movie, but feel free to draw Bayverse Jazz and design a fitting Prowl of your own imagination. Also, I am accepting humanised forms as well, if you have an urge to draw that.

4. If you feel up to it, I would like to include a small caption or excerpt of text into the calendar for each image, since I am creating the layout and design of the calendar myself. Therefore if you feel like drawing a scene to your favourite fanfic, please include a fitting excerpt of a scene or feel free to write a small caption that might fit your fanart if it is not fanfic related. This is not required if you just don’t feel up to it but if you don’t supply the text I would like your permission that in case your fanart wins a place in my calendar I am allowed to show it to authors and ask for ideas for a small text to the fanart which I would then include into the calendar.
IMPORTANT, the text is not supposed to be part of the fanart but to be sent as a quote to me per message or mail when you write me to inform me of your entry.

5. The end of the challenge will be 8 PM of 1st December 2011. Since I live in Central European Time Zone that will be the one that counts. For some of you that means 30th November 2011, though you can check out the right time here:

6. Everyone who enters should be okay with the fact that I might use your fanart for a calendar that I am planning to print, bind and hang into my room as well as sharing the calendar with 13 other people (more information below). The original size will be DIN A3 so please create your fanart big enough that I have a good quality print.

7. Since I am announcing this challenge at deviantart and my livejournal you are free to post your fanart wherever you like, even outside of those two sites. To enter the challenge you need to write me a message, either on deviantart or livejournal or sent me a private message to . Please don’t forget to state your name (Nick or real, doesn’t matter) and how to contact you in case you’ve won.

Of course I also want to offer some prizes for the winners.
3rd - 13th Prize: Every artist whose fanart wins a place in my calendar will receive a pdf with the whole calendar by e-mail. All I need is your email address which I am asking you to send to me in a private message as soon as you know that you have won.

2nd Prize: A two month suscription for deviantart kindly offered by an anonymos sponsor as well as the pdf filed calendar send per e-mail.

1st Prize: A three month suscription for deviantart kindly offered by an anonymos sponsor. And the artist of the fanart that I choose to be my most favourite will also receive a printed out calendar in DIN A4, bond and send to you in the mail, provided that the first place winner is willing to give me their postal address. And of course you’ll also receive the whole calendar as a pdf by e-mail too.

If you have any questions left, feel free to contact me on deviantart under pharaohxyuugi, on livejournal under usagi_atemu_tom or by e-mail at
Now happy drawing and good luck to you all!

prowlxjazz, fanart, challenge, jazz, calendar challenge 2011, prowl, transformers

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