May 24, 2006 20:51
Why is it that when all of my friends have problems they come to me?
granted, this is by no means a complaint
But it seems like everyone is having trouble in their lives and Jon is everyone's safety net.
Don't get me wrong, I'm honored that my friends trust me with their personal information
but what makes me different from anyone else?
Do I listen better?
Do I offer good advice (because I sure as hell haven't had any of these experiences)
Can I provide a unique perspective?
I doubt it.
I'm not going to go in to details.
2 of my friends are having tough time in their relationships.
1 of them is from school and I try my best to help. I wish he were closer or we were at school so that I could provide some better help to him.
1 is my best friend at home. and I'm friends with both parties involved. I haven't agreed with either party for some time on their ideas about their long distance thing. I feel bad for him, I feel bad for them. I love the both of them, and don't want to see them the way they are.
I don't know
I say this to my friends every time they have a problem
"I wish I had a pearl of wisdom I could share with you but I don't."
I wish I had a pearl of wisdom to share with myself.
I don't know
I guess I'm just that friend.
I guess I'm the likeable friend who people trust.
It's kind of funny
I hear all these horror stories
I've gone through the hell of breaking up
I know what pain can result from a relationship
yet I still want one.
Life is funny that way
It is kind of like dane cook says
When everyone else is in a relationship it's like everyone else was invited to a party but oneself, and that person is walking by that party in the rain. But during a relationship it's like where's my jacket i want to see other parties...someone shit on the coats.
I'm sunburnt
I'm exhausted
I've worked 35 hours in 3 days
I just want someone to curl up with and watch a movie
the ONLY person close to that I have has shitty parents
who have screwed her and myself 2 days in a row.
It's really quite frustrating.
And when she has a bad night
who does she call to talk about it?
that's right
yours freakin truly
(insert food break with brandon)
theres something therapeutic about taco bell
i just spent 2 hours with the greatest friend i've ever had
went to taco bell ate some food
and talked
and talked
but my headunit in the saturn works.
(i have a new saturn btw).
I'm exhausted, time to go to bed...night all.