Dec 14, 2008 21:58

Hey, hey, hey...

It has been a long while since I truly updated this...

As I look back at my high school obsession with USAFA and view my current self in my 2nd year at USMA, I cant help but laugh at how sometimes we think we know EXACTLY what we want only to change our minds and the end result be amazing. I have grown so much over the past year and a half since Ive been here at West Point. Ive learned things about myself, things about other people, things about leadership, all that. I miss high school alot..If I could go back I would be more genuine. I realized that I was "that guy" who walked around in high school halls with his head far away in college. Alot of people know of me, but very very FEW people KNOW ME. That has been my realization. i keep a close circle of friends and thats about it.

So, here I am...A sophomore in college...wondering the same things as everyone else my age...Yea! ME! the guy who always had life planned out is sitting here contemplating what exactly it is that he really wants to do in life. Congress? Law? Doctor? Sales? Army for life?

I dunno...we'll see where life takes me...

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