Change has Come

Nov 05, 2008 02:28

The President is the face and representation of America.

A 72 year old caucasian male no longer represents the majority and interests of all American people.

A half white, half black man who has made a name and career for himself does though. He represents the "melting pot" that is America both in his views and in his very being.

I am from the home of the Civil Rights movement. More racial ground was forged and more blood shed on the streets of Birmingham, AL than anywhere else in America. It was MLK who wrote letters from a jail there that inspired America.

I was once told by a elementary school teacher that a person with any oz. of black blood would never lead this country in response to me saying I wanted to be the first 5star general and the first black president.

We have come so far from the 60's but the scars are still deep throught America. Let us take this historic event as a step forward for America and as a chance to Unite and truly change the direction of America.

Look how far we've come:

 So, whether you are an ultra conservative or a ultra liberal, I ask you to take a moment and reflect the monumentous occasion that has happened tonight.

I believe WE can do this. I believe HE can do this. America has spoken and overwhelmingly so, with a voice that has been timid and weak for decades behind the dynasties of status quo that were the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush administrations. So, say it with US, my president-elect and I and all Americans all over.

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