Last day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 06, 2005 10:46


i just got out of our perception exam... boy am i glad. i thought it was going to be really impossible, so i studied for a whole week, which i've never done before, and i read the impossible book and everything. this was the premise of our exam: (originally) she gave us a study guide of 22 questions, on the test there would be 4 of those for us to answer (all of them). some people in class complained that we should have some sort of choice, like get 6 questions and answer 4 or something, and our teacher was going to make it 5 questions which we answered 4, but it ended up being 6. the worst part, however, about this test was that it was worth a total of 50% of our grade. i hate classes like this. we didn't even have a midterm! we answer FOUR questions from a study guide of TWENTY-TWO and it's 50% of our grade? this seems somewhat ridiculous.

but the thing is, i think i did a pretty good job answering the questions. good thing.

i was so stressed about that test, i hope i did well. i really want an A in that class, as usual. we'll see. next i have italian. i should probably be studying, the test is in only 30 minutes. but i already packed most of my notes for it. and my main problem is the differences between passato prossima and imperfetto (remember in french using passe compose and imparfait?? same thing, still hard). we don't understand it because we have nothing similar in English! boo on English. anyway, my point is that i can't study really for that anyway. but maybe i should go over the jobs or something... maybe fruits and veggies... or ginocchio (knee). or bush!! (cespuglio) which i didn't know on the last quiz!! (but i put "piante" -plant and still got it right! yes).

i want a job this summer working with either an autistic kid or kids learning to read with dyslexia. i need a job in new york, and i don't know how to find one. i hope some of the emails i sent to certain professors will prove fruitful. that would be wonderous. we'll see, i guess.

i'm SO excited to come home!! all of you back in michigan, i need to hang out w/ you next week, it's my only week there. call me (at home, cuz i don't know where my cell is) and we will hang out!!!! 810-629-1389. this means you, pitty (and mo and brandon)... and tara and jeff and kathryn!

i've really spent all of my money here. it's scary. i have 20 euro to come home on... yikes.
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