
May 04, 2005 11:45


The last weekend here was so great. On my birthday Tammy surprised me with a real cake (!!!) and then told me we were going to Capri!!! It was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. We went in a boat into these caves that had a very small hole to let light in and the water inside looked like it was glowing blue! We also took this chairlift up to the top of Capri where we could see a whole bunch of islands, even as far as Napoli. It was so pretty up there. Capri was formed by a volcano so it was just a bunch of rocks jutting everywhere. We went on a long hike to see the natural arches and then to a beach (but not a sandy one) where we swam in the Meditteranean Sea!! Our favorite part, though, was going to Faro, the lighthouse, and the free beach there. We watched the sun set over the rocks and the water, the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. On Monday we went to Pompeii and saw all the ruins from when Mount Vesuvius exploded and covered the town with ash. We didn't have nearly enough time there, but it was really cool. We wanted to play hide-n-seek in all those ruins. Also at Capri, we had the best food ever. It's right next to Napoli, which was the city that invented pizza, so we had THE BEST pizza, and also their ravioli has the perfect mixture of mozzerella and riccotta. MMM. Only three days left. Mama mia! Can't wait to come home!
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