I'm back home from work now, with the TV on for the evening. It's been a long wait, but I guess we'll know which direction this country is going as the electoral dominoes start to fall in the next couple of hours.
Voting here in Tallahassee appears to have run smoothly all day. One polling place did open late, when poll workers were unable to awaken the pastor of a Korean Baptist church. It took a sheriff's deputy turning on his siren to get the pastor out of bed. (
See the update at 8:32 AM here.) I don't think that qualifies as a dramatic breach of democracy, but I'm still going to use the story to develop a screenplay for HBO films. Or not.
There were the requisite number of partisans on street corners waving signs for a bevy of candidates on the way home. It was especially nice to see one of the candidates for a county judge seat out on the corner waving a sign for himself. I somehow doubt Obama or McCain are risking their lives to wave placards at passing traffic today. I suppose that's the wonder of local elections.
Speaking of those sign-waving street-corner campaign volunteers, I wonder if any of them ever get hit by cars. It seems like an invitation for something to go wrong, with a dozen partisans posted at every intersection. In addition to the potential for verbal abuse and unfriendly gestures, they also have to be ready to dodge traffic at a moment's notice. They are brave people.
If you "run across" (ha ha) a story about any vehicle vs. campaign volunteer incidents, please let me know.