I started watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood today. Actually, I started watching it when it started airing in April but never really got past the third or fourth episode. ^^; But anyway, I just finished watching the episode with the village of Lior and its corruption at the hands of "High Priest" Cornello and his religion of Leto. Whenever I watch or read this important introduction into the series, I can only think of one thing:
"Why the heck did Joyride Entertainment decide to use Cornello as one of the featured characters for their starter decks for their FMA trading card game?" XDD;;
Seriously, CORNELLO? XD I understand that they didn't have a lot of major villains to choose from at that time but it was just hilarious, how much
commanderteddog and I would reel at the prospect of even owning that deck. He was always in stock at the store and we joked after getting some decks donated to us for our anime club raffle, that Cornello would be more of a deterrant than a lure for people. XD He's just so... awful. And kind of lame. And they made a starter deck for him. Like who really wants to play as Cornello? He appeared for TWO EPISODES at the time and then got killed off. XD Jeez!!
For anyone curious, Joyride released a TCG for Fullmetal Alchemist based on the anime. They started releasing the first set back in 2005 with five available starter decks (Ed, Al, Roy, Lust and Cornello) and from there released six more expansions until they discontinued the game in 2007. I only ever remember the first expansion, Blood & Water, because they had released that about three months after the original set and
commanderteddog and I were still collecting them at that point. Never realized that they went on to release five more expansions. :X
I think the reason for choosing Cornello to be one of the five featured starter deck characters was because Joyride stupidly decided to base the first expansion solely on the first nine episodes of the anime and Cornello was really the only major villain to have appeared for more than one episode. (Coincidentally, the first expansion was based on episodes 10-16, the second on 17-22, etc.) Still, it just seemed so... out of place to see such a minor, lame character like Cornello put on the same level as Roy, Ed and Al. XD